The Age of the Democratic Revolution. A Political History of Europe and America, 1760-1800

(Ben Green) #1

Index 849

tive government, 94; on sovereignty, 94; on
the theory of political community, 95; on
the theory of social religion, 94; various
editions of,90
social rank, uses and abuses of, 52–57; and
class consciousness, 58–63; and the corrup-
tion of the nobility, 53; creation of the no-
blesse militaire in France, 57; difference be-
tween the English gentility and the French
noblesse, 56; distinction between types of
rank, 53–55; and the manipulation of the
nobility, 54; and the passage of the mercan-
tile class to aristocratic ranks, 54–55; and
the power of kings to grant social/govern-
ment offices, 54–55; and problem of the
wealthy becoming wealthier, 53; and spe-
cial access of the rich to government, 53;
ways of raising commoners to the nobility,
Society of the Cincinnati, 201, 203, 356
Society for Constitutional Information, 420,
720, 723
Society of the Friends of the Constitution, 398
Society of Friends of Liberty and Equality,
398, 595
Society of the Friends of the People, 714
Society of Liberty and Equality, 428, 499, 500
Society of the Reformers of Hungary, 499
Sons of Liberty, 18, 121, 761
Sorel, Albert, 648
South Africa, 527–29
South Carolina, 174
Southey, Robert, 727
sovereignty, of the people, 10, 108, 160, 161,
176, 201, 222, 249; Rousseau on, 270, 275
Sovereignty of the Estates of Holland defended
against the modern doctrine of people’s govern-
ment (Kluit), 248
Spain, 7, 40, 107, 180, 506, 616, 747; revolu-
tion against in Latin America, 747–50;
treaty of with the French Directory, 570–71
Spanish America, town councils (cabildos) of,
Speenhamland system, 729, 730n39
Spirit of Law, The (Montesquieu), 44, 80n23,
108; multiple editions and translations of,
46; popularity and influence of, 44–46
Spirit of a Truly Free Government, The (based
on the Act of Targowica), 441
St. Petersburg, 437, 439

Stamati, Constantine, 504
Stamp Act Congress, 107, 121
Stamp Act (1765) crisis, 114–23; fury of
American reaction to the passage of the
Stamp Act, 114–23; resistance to the
Stamp Act in Connecticut, 122; resistance
to the Stamp Act in Virginia, 122; taxation
issues leading to the crisis, 114
Stanislas I (Stanislas Poniatowski [king of Po-
land]), 190, 313, 315, 31, 319, 322, 324; ca-
pitulation of to the Russians, 441
Staszic, Stanislas, 315–16
State of the Poor, The (F. Eden), 729
Statist party, 427, 42, 432, 496, 556
status, types of, 160n1
Stevens, John, Jr., 211, 213, 367
Stevens, John, Sr., 210–11n64
Stewart, Robert, 622
Stiles, Ezra, 769
Stillman, Samuel, 769
Stone, Harfurd, 418
Stroganov, Pavel, 422, 479
suffrage, 105, 152, 153, 157, 168–69, 275; in
France, 209, 353, 354
Suppler Libellus Valachorum, 294
Sutton, Richard, 729n38
Suvorov, Alexander, 609, 677, 683, 782–84,
787, 789–90
Sweden, 23, 34, 50, 281, 299; the Age of Free-
dom (1719–1772) in, 25–26, 31, 280, 299.
See also Sweden, monarchist coup d’état in
Sweden, monarchist coup d’état in (1772), 75–
78; and the Caps party, 76–77; and the
Hats party, 76–77; and noble versus bur-
gher tensions in Sweden, 76; and the reli-
ance of Sweden on foreign aid, 76; role of
the peasantry in, 75; support of the Caps
party by the British, 76
Swedish Act of Union and Security (1789),
Swiss cantons, 13, 28, 30, 269–74; Alpine
cantons (Urkantone), 672; city cantons,
664; “democratic” cantons, 664; entry of
into the Swiss Confederation, 676, 676–
77n16; independence and isolation of,
664–65; and the oath- fellowship of the
Eidgenossenschaft, 269–70; “primitive” can-
tons, 680. See also specifically listed individ-
ual cantons
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