The Age of the Democratic Revolution. A Political History of Europe and America, 1760-1800

(Ben Green) #1

850 Index

Swiss Confederation, 83
Switkowski, Piotr, 640
Switzerland, 7, 16, 27–29, 199, 269–74, 378,
383, 579, 718, 767, 770; Austrian influence
in, 642, 645; growth of small communities
in, 663; “subject districts” in, 29; Swiss unity
versus external pressures, 672–8; town oli-
garchies in, 269. See also Genevese “revolu-
tion” (1768); Swiss cantons; Switzerland,
revolution in after the Genevese “revolu-
tion” (1768)
Switzerland, revolution in after the Genevese
“revolution” (1768), 84, 270, 281, 320;
armed intervention by France, Zurich, and
Bern in, 270; role of the Burgher Représent-
ants in, 270; role of Genevan councils in,
271; role of the Natives in, 270; role of the
Négatifs in, 270–71; Swiss revolutionaries,
Sydenham, M. J., 452–53n8
Sydney, Algernon, 713
Szentmarjay, Ferencz, 498

Taine, Hippolyte, 329, 331
Take Your Choice (Cartwright), 135
Talleyrand, Charles- Maurice, 329, 330, 351,
404, 538, 620–21, 647; dealings of with the
United States, 615, 766, 767; on Switzer-
land, 677
Talmon, J. L., 12
Tandy, Napper, emigration of to America, 719
Target, Gui-Jean Baptiste, 358
Targowicans, 441–42
Tassier, Suzanne, 425–26n1, 427, 432, 433,
Tate, William, 570, 571, 732
taxation, 33, 34, 63, 58–63, 121n16, 131, 134,
176, 235, 317, 580; during the French Rev-
olution, 337, 339, 343, 349, 345; “external
taxes” and America, 127; high rates of in
England and Holland, 118; and the financ-
ing of the American Revolution by France,
337; land taxes after the Seven Years’ War,
118, 118n10; resistance to in America, 114,

  1. See also corvée royale, conversion of to
    a money tax; “levee en masse”
    Tennis Court Oath, 61, 332, 356, 363, 397,
    Termometro politico, 605
    Terray, Joseph- Marie (Abbé Terray), 73, 74

Terror, the, 8, 25, 250, 296, 358, 377, 384, 409,
437; beginnings of, 358; and the French
National Convention (1792–1795), 457; as
an instrument of state, 467
Test Act (1673), 49, 51, 219, 236, 238–41
Thelwall, John, 725
Theophilanthropists, 637, 638
Theory of Knowledge (Fichte), 703
Thermidor, 471–72, 486, 508, 718
Thirty- Nine Articles, 235, 238
Thomson, David, 9
Thorn, 311, 317; designs of Prussia on, 317
Thoughts on the Cause of the Present Discontents
(E. Burke), 129–30
“Thoughts of an Elderly Citizen” (Stanislas I),
Thoughts on Government ( J. Adams), 165–66
Thoughts of an Imperial Citizen on the Stormy
Changes in France, 481
Tieck, Johann Ludwig, 699
Times, 712
Tocqueville, Alexis de, 14, 19, 306, 635–36,
746; on the French Revolution, 328, 329;
on literary politics, 66
Tolles, F. B., 140
Tone, Wolfe, 447–48, 561, 570, 575, 734, 737,
743; dream of a Republic of Ireland, 619;
emigration of to America, 719; escape of
from Ireland, 739; on revolutionary success,
Tooke, Horne, 725
Tories/Tory Party, 129
Touche, Mehée de la, 323
Toulon, 323–24
Toulouse, 68–69; strength of Jacobinism in,
Touraine, 344
Townshend, Charles, 11, 127, 128
Townshend, George, 124
Transylvania, 79, 290, 292; constitution of,
294; Diet of, 291
Treasonable Practices Act (1795), 726–27
Treaty of Amiens (1802), 529
Treaty of Campo Formio (1797), 600, 603,
611, 620, 642; as a semi- peace treaty, 672
Tribun du peuple (Babeuf ), 545–47, 552, 554
tricolor flags, 261, 261n36, 591n12, 593,
Tronchin, J. R., 89, 98, 99, 103
Trouvé, Claude- Joseph, 612
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