The Age of the Democratic Revolution. A Political History of Europe and America, 1760-1800

(Ben Green) #1

Index 851

Trumbull, Jonathan, 189
Tuileries, 377; attack on, 377, 402, 403
Turgot, Anne- Robert- Jacques, 22, 53, 187,
201–5, 334, 336; arguments of against the
separation of powers, 202; dismissal of, 337;
drafting of the Six Edicts by, 335; efforts to
suppress gilds and trade associations, 36
Turkey, 41, 64, 263
Tuscany, 574n18, 536, 579, 582, 585, 629, 724;
democratization of, 17; French occupation
of, 776; Jansenism in, 649; Viva Maria in,

Ukraine, 316
Ulster, 735, 736
Ulster Democratic Club, 762
ultras, 401, 456, 460, 461, 463, 471, 550
Union of Utrecht, 246, 505, 509, 519
Unitarianism, 640
United Englishmen, 621
United Irish Society of Dublin (United Irish-
men), 229, 737, 78; arming of, 736; recruit-
ment of members in Ulster, 739
United Provinces, 31, 49, 60, 179; colonies of,
243; constitution of, 247; Dutch invest-
ments and credits provided to the United
States, France, and Great Britain, 246;
Dutch patriot movement in, 243–56 pas-
sim, 245n4, 255n22; financial relationship
of with Great Britain, 247; international
capitalism of, 243; the issue of democracy
in, 250; periodicals and newspapers in, 244;
provinces that comprised the United Neth-
erlands, 242
United States, 49n12, 139, 41, 285, 528, 571,
717; British writings against the French
Revolution published in, 768; democracy
in, 773–74; demonstrations in against fed-
eral taxes on spirits (the “Whiskey Rebel-
lion”), 762, 767; development of the
Fourth of July orations in, 768–69; differ-
ences between Europe and, 754–55; early
newspapers and pamphlets in, 768–69;
growth of the upper class in, 146; impact
of the outside world on, 758–65; and the
Jay Treaty with Great Britain (1794–
1795), 521; Jefferson’s view of the political
situation in, 572; ministers of to the
Hague, 517; lack of French internal inter-
ference in, 622; lack of understanding how

“bourgeois” the European revolution was,
626; opinions of the French Revolution in,
321, 755–57, 759; political clubs in, 762–
63; political journalism in, 628; post-
Revolutionary War boundaries of, 751–52;
“Revolution of 1800” in, 773. See also
United States, post–Revolutionary War
(1790s) problems facing; United States
United States, post–Revolutionary War
(1790s) problems facing, 771; differing
views on reconciliation with England, 753,
754; polemical publications in, 768; politi-
cal quarrels in resolved by the formation of
political parties, 755; problems created by
the passage of the Naturalization, Alien,
and Sedition Acts (1798), 868; war debts
of, 773
United States of Belgium, 199
United States Constitution, 268, 171–74, 276;
Condorcet’s view of, 211; defense of by
John Adams, 201, 204–8
University of Cracow, 314, 315
University of Göttingen, 186
University of Jena, 703
University of Louvain, 260
University of Zagreb, 498
Unterwalden, canton of, 664, 672
Uri, canton of, 28, 39, 672, 681
Usteri, Paulus, 645, 670
Utrecht, 242, 243, 246, 417, 34; burghers of,
244–45. See also Union of Utrecht

Val Padana region, and the bridge at Lodi,
Valais, 269, 645, 664, 665, 672, 673, 675, 676
Valckenaer, Johan, 435, 518, 520, 521, 523,
Valjavec, F., 20
Valsecchi, F., 298, 298–99n24
van Dam, Irhoven, 511
Van der Capellen tot de Poll, Joan Derck, 188,
244, 247, 249, 255
Van de Kemp, Francis Adrian, 188, 189, 245,
247, 249, 252, 255
Van de Marsch, Capellen, 435
Van de Spiegel, Laurens Pieter, 255–56
Van der Mersch, Jean- André, 263
Van der Noot, H., 262–66 277, 289, 429, 561
Van Goens, R. M., 247, 249, 252
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