homework encyclopedia

(Bozica Vekic) #1

HIV 151
Hobbema, Meindert 321
Holi 286
Holliday, Billie 331
Hollywood 298, 347
Holocaust 433
Holy Roman Empire 385 , 406, 421
home entertainment 351
Homer 340, 360
Hong Kong, China 202, 218, 219, 261, 268
Hooke, Robert 411
hoplites 377
hormones 147 , 149
hot springs 249, 257
Houses of Parliament, London 306, 437
Hubble Space Telescope (HST) 20, 29 , 31
human body 128–29
circulation 134–35
digestion 142, 143, 144–45, 150
health and disease 150–51
hormones 147 , 149
kidneys 146, 147
liver 128, 144, 146
muscles 128, 129, 132 , 137, 145, 149
nervous system 138–39
reproduction and growth 130, 148–49, 211
respiration 136–37
senses 140–41, 142, 143
skeleton 128, 129, 130–31
skin 128, 133 , 149
human evolution 75 , 362
Human Genome Project 209
human rights 304, 305, 310, 317
human sacrifice 361, 383, 403
humanism 281
hummingbirds 72, 119
humus 48
Hungary 247, 257
Huns 384
hunter-gatherers 244, 364
hurricanes 19, 21, 54
Hussein, Saddam 264, 435
Huygens probe 29
hydrochloric acid 144, 162
hydroelectric power 61
hydrogen 160, 161, 167
hyenas 98
hypertext 191
hypothalamus 138

I Ching 285
Ibn Battutah 387, 401
ice 53, 58 , 156
ice ages 63, 77
ice caps 58
ice hockey 222, 353
icebergs 58, 156, 233
Iceland 246, 248–49, 388
ichthyosaurs 79
Iguaçu Falls, S. America 215
Il Postino 340
illusionism 320–21
imaging techniques 128, 129 , 135, 151
immune system 129, 151
imperialism 422–23
imprinting 97
improvisation 333, 336
Incas 234, 235, 402 , 405
inclined planes 197
India 11, 210, 260, 267 , 270, 302
British Raj 422 , 430, 437
caste system 304
culture 323, 331, 336, 340, 342, 379
film industry 267, 346, 347
Gupta and Maurya dynasties 379
Mughal Empire 407
religion 266, 280, 286, 291
Indian Ocean 215
Indonesia 261, 270, 271, 283, 307, 335, 397
Indus Valley 368 , 369

Industrial Revolution 314, 418–19, 437
industry 64, 204–7, 255, 263, 418
infrared waves 193
insects 99, 101, 102, 107, 110–11, 207
instinct 97
insulators 169, 185
Integral satellite 28
integumentary system 129
intelligence 22, 122, 139, 148, 149, 194
internal combustion engine 198
international community 314–15, 317
International Date Line 220
international organisations 434
International Space Station 10, 31, 32, 33
Internet 191 , 298
interplanetary spacecraft 29
intestines 144, 145, 146
invertebrates 102 , 103–11
Io 19
Iran 260, 264, 265, 284, 435
Iraq 260, 264, 265, 368, 386, 435
Ireland 47, 246, 250–51, 337, 383, 388, 421, 436,
iris 140, 148
iron 146, 161, 171, 174, 183, 204
iron curtain 435
Islam 281, 290 , 336
architecture 240, 262, 264, 386, 387
civilization 240, 386–87, 394
islands 42 , 56, 230, 231, 270, 272–73
Isola, Maija 327
isotopes 161
Israel 260, 261, 264, 265, 287, 306, 373, 435
Istanbul, Turkey 264, 397
Italy 246, 252, 253, 421, 431
culture 320, 323, 326, 328, 345, 398–99
Ivanov, Lev 337
Ivory Coast 238, 241

jade 378
Jagamara, Michael Nelson 320
Jakarta, Indonesia 271
James, LeBron 355
Japan 43, 218, 261, 268, 269
culture 267, 297, 311, 328, 329, 343, 344,
347, 350
history 392 , 410, 429, 430, 432, 433
religion 284
Jazz Singer, The 346
Jeanne-Claude 324
Jefferson, Thomas 229, 414
jellyfish 102, 103
Jericho 364
Jerusalem, Israel 261
Jesus Christ 288
jet engines 176–77, 199
jewellery 327, 375, 383, 388
Jiang Zemin 314
Johannesburg, South Africa 238
Johnson Space Center, Texas 30
joints 131
Jonson, Ben 345
Jordan 260, 264, 265
Jordan, Michael 353
joules 166
Joyce, James 340, 348
Judaism and Jews 281, 287 , 288, 373, 431, 433
Junkanoo Festival, Bahamas 223
Jupiter 14, 19 , 23

kabuki 344
Kalahari Desert 238, 244
kangaroos 123, 274
karma 289
Kayapo Indians 236
Kazakhstan 260, 263

Kelly, Gene 338
Kelvin scale 169
Kennedy Space Center, Florida 227
Kenya 239, 242, 243
keratin 133
Keys, Alicia 333
khanda symbol 291
kidneys 146, 147 , 173
kilograms 155
kilts 251
kinetic energy 166
King, Martin Luther 307
kingdoms of living things 71
knights 391
Knossos, Crete 374
koalas 123, 274
Kong, Liuhui 357
Koran see Qur’an
Korea 217, 218, 261, 268, 269 , 429
Kremlin, Moscow 259
krill 109
Krishna 286, 293
Khrushchev, Nikita 312
Kuiper Belt 21
Kurds 265, 312
Kuwait 260, 264, 265, 435
Kyrgyzstan 260, 262, 263

La Silla Observatory, Chile 12
La Traviata 338
ladybirds 101, 111
lagoons 59
lakes 57 , 215, 220, 223, 227, 233, 239, 265
lampreys 113
landslides 55
language 139, 142, 225, 296-97, 395
Laos 261, 270, 271
Laozi 285
Lapland 249
larynx 136 , 142
Lascaux, France 362
lasers 179 , 191
Latin America 234
latitude 221
Latvia 247, 258, 259
lava 34–35, 44 , 57, 80, 171
lava lamps 172
Lavoisier, Antoine 411
law 310–11, 317, 360, 416
Lear, Edward 343
leaves 94, 95
Lebanon 260, 264, 265, 313
Lee, Robert E 424
leeches 77, 105
lemurs 122, 244
Lenin, Vladimir Ilyich 428
lenses 99, 140, 181
Leonardo da Vinci 292, 320, 322, 325, 398 , 399
leptons 156, 157
Lesbos, Greece 257
levers 196
lichens 87
Liechtenstein 255
carbon 162
on Earth 16, 37, 70–71
evolution 74–75
extraterrestrial 22
marine 40, 77, 79, 82
prehistoric 74–75, 77 , 78–79
life cycles 71 , 101
life expectancy 71, 150
lifestyle 150, 151
ligaments 131
light 163, 178–79, 180 , 193
light bulbs 171, 178, 418
light years 10
lightning 54, 182
limericks 343
Lincoln, Abraham 229, 424

lions 71, 98, 120
liquids 156, 172
literacy 339 , 369, 383, 390
literature 339, 340–43, 348
Lithuania 247, 258, 259
Liu, Xuan 357
Live Aid 301
liver 128, 144, 146
liverwort 90
Livingstone, David 239, 422
lizards 79, 116, 117
llamas 234, 235
lobsters 107 , 109
lochs 251
logic 292
logic gates 189
London 192, 250, 296, 306, 418, 437
longitude 220, 221
longships 388
Los Angeles, USA 228, 296
Louis XIV 409, 410
Louis XVI, 415
Louvre, Paris 246
low countries 254
Lucas, George 346
Lumière, Auguste and Louis 346
lunar modules 30
lungs 128, 137 , 151
Luther, Martin 399, 404
Luxembourg 246, 254, 255
lymphatic system 129

Macbeth 344
Macedonia 247, 256, 257
machines 165, 195, 196–97, 412
Machu Picchu, Peru 234, 402
Mackintosh, Charles Rennie 326
Macmillan, Harold 434
Madagascar 117, 239, 244, 245
Maes Howe, Orkney 366
Magdeburg, Germany 406
Magellanic Clouds 13, 27
magma 44
Magna Carta, England 360, 436
magnetism 183 , 186
Magnificent Seven, The 347
magnifying glasses 181
Mahabharata 379
Malaysia 203, 261, 271, 329
Mali 238, 241, 242, 290
malnutrition 150
Malta 246, 253
mammals 101, 102, 120–23
mammoths 75, 77
mandalas 289
Mandela, Nelson 245, 307, 434
mangrove swamps 83, 234
Mantegna, Andrea 320
mantras 286
manufacturing 205 , 303
Mao Zedong 429
Maoris 275, 396 , 425
mapping 220–21, 396
Marconi, Guglielmo 192
Marie-Antoinette, Queen of France 415
Mariner probes 10, 18
markets 239, 241, 260, 262, 302
Mars (God of War) 19, 282, 382
Mars (planet) 10, 14, 19 , 22, 23, 29
marsupials 120, 123
Marx, Karl 428
Mary Rose 361
Masai Mara, Kenya 242
Masai people 125, 243, 296
mass 156 , 164
mass numbers 161
mass production 205, 303, 418
materials 159, 170–71, 175 , 178, 204
mathematics 155 , 379
Matrix, The 351


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