6th Grade Math Textbook, Progress

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Stephanie and Alexandria made a survey about
pet ownership. Their survey shows that a group of
sixth graders owns 56 pets: 12 dogs, 13 cats, and
the rest birds. How many of the pets are birds?

Substitute 31 for nin the equation
to test whether the equation is true.
n 25  56
31  25 56 The answer checks.

Visualize yourself in the problem above as
you reread it. List the facts and the question.

Strategy: Write an Equation

n 25  56 n 25 56 and
Try 30. 30 25  55 n 56  25
Try 31. 31  25  56 n 31
There are 31 birds.

Dog 12
Cat 13


Bird ??

Animal Tally Total

Pet Survey

Let n
the number
of birds.


Facts: 56 pets
12 dogs
13 cats
The rest are birds.

Question:How many pets are birds?

Use the information to write an equation.
Write words first.
Number  Number  Total
of of dogs number
birds and cats of pets

n  12  13  56
n  25  56

You can solve the equation by the Guess and Test
strategy or by using a related subtraction sentence.

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