A History of Latin America

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


220–228; Uruguay invaded by, 205,
209; Argentinean war with, 205–
206; Paraguay governed by, 211;
Dom Pedro and, 221–222; economy
in, 224, 260–265; politics in, 225,
260–265; antislavery movement in,
225–228, 260–261; immigration
to, 227, 265; fall of monarchy in,
260–262; republic in, 262–263. See
also Agrarian reform; Agriculture;
Constitutions; specific leaders
Brazilian Labor Confederation, 265
Britain.See England (Britain)
British Guiana. See Guiana
Bruno, Giordano, 57
Bucareli y Ursua, Antonio María, 140
Buccaneers (French), 93
Bueno, Pimenta, 225
Buenos Aires, 71, 205; viceroyalty of,
143; English attack on, 161; creole
party in, 166; Argentine constitution
and, 208; as separate province, 208;
as capital, 252; rivalry with caudillos,
252.See also Argentina
Buffon, Georges de, 149
Bullion shipment, 91
Bulnes, Manuel, 213–214
Bunge, Carlos, 183
Bureaucracy, 10; Mayan, 19; Aztec, 28;
expansion of, 195
Burgundy, Charles V and, 47
Burkhart, Louise M., 103
Business, of Cortés, 85
Bustamante, Carlos María, 180

Cabanagem revolt (Brazil), 222
Cabeza de Vaca, Alvar Núñez de, 69, 73
Cabildos (town councils), 98, 99, 170
Cabral, Pedro Álvares, 53, 61, 122
Cacao, 89, 267
Cáceres, Andrés, 231
Cacique families, 113
Caciques (chiefs), 98
Cádiz, 162; merchant monopoly of, 91;
trade monopoly of, 137, 138n, 166
Cajamarcca, 30
Calderón, Fanny, 186
Calendar: Olmec, 14; Mayan, 20
California, 200; cession to U.S., 200;
Mexican-Americans in, 201
Calleja, Felix, 174
Calmon, Pedro, 263
Calpulli (Aztec landholders), 4, 23
Campañia de crédito: in Venezuela, 268
Campbell, John, 93
Campesinos: in El Salvador, 268. See also
Farmers and farming; Peasants
Campillo, José, 137
Campos Sales, Manuel Ferraz de, 264

Canals: Aztec, 27
Canary Islands, 54
Cancillerías, 41
Cañete (Viceroy), 74
Cannibals, 60
Canterac, José de, 169
Canudos, 262, 263
Cão, Diogo, 53
Cape Bojador, 53
Cape of Good Hope, 53
Cape Verde Islands, 123
Capital: in Europe, 57
Capital cities, wealth in, 117
Capitalism, 57, 185; in colonial
economy, 5–6, 93–94; colonial, 94;
retardation of, 194; in Paraguay,
209; in Chile, 212; in Peru, 229; in
Colombia, 270–271
Capitalism and Underdevelopment in Latin
America (Frank), 93n
Captaincy: system in Brazil, 122–124; of
“São Paulo and the Mines of Gold,”
Captain general, 129, 145
Caracas: liberation movement and, 163
Caracas Company, 137
Carbajal, Francisco de, 68
Caribbean region: sugar production in,
54–55; Columbus in, 55–56; early
Spanish voyages in, 59; Spanish
voyages in, 59 (illus.); smuggling
and, 137; as American “lake,” 246.
See also specific countries
Carib people, 60
Carlota, 232 (illus.)
Carrera, Rafael, 217, 265
Cartagena, 91, 137, 164–165
Cartels (nitrate production), 259
Carvajal, Luis de, 106
Carvalho, Manoel de, 221
Casa de Contratación, 138
Cash crops, 138
Castas (mixed-race persons), 5, 110, 150
Castes, 110–121. See also Class
Castile, 37; Muslims in, 37; Léon and,
38; Reconquest and, 38–39; Cortes
(parliament) in, 39; unity with
Aragon, 40; Council of, 41; Charles
V and, 47; conquistadors from, 72;
bureaucracy in, 95
Castilla, Ramón, 183, 184, 229
Castro, Cipriano, 269
Castro, Vaca de, 68
Catalonia, Spain, 41, 49
Catholic Church: in Spain, 42–43;
nature of indigenous peoples and, 76;
in Indies, 100–110; ideals of, 101;
on slave marriages, 116; in Brazil,
130–131; Bourbon reforms and,

135–137; in colonies, 146–147;
Consolidation and, 146–147;
strength of, 196; Mexico and, 199,
248; Juárez and, 202–203; in
Argentina, 208; in Chile, 213; land
seizure by liberal governments, 245;
in Venezuela, 269; in Colombia, 270,
271.See also Clergy; Missionaries
Cattle industry, 86–88; contraction of,
87; in Brazil, 127–128, 133–134;
ranches and, 139; in Argentina, 206
Cauca Valley (Colombia) chiefdoms, 10
Caudillo (strongman), 191, 194;
“progressive,” 192, 246; use of
term, 194n; chief executive as,
195; Artigas as, 205; Rosas as, 206
(illus.); in Venezuela, 237, 268; in
Argentina, 252
Cavalcanti family (Brazil), 224
Celestina, La (Rojas), 43
Celts, conquests by, 36
Censorship, 107, 148, 189
Censorship, of colonial literature, 108
Central America: population density
in, 11; civilizations of, 12–14;
U.S.-British rivalry in, 216–217;
United Provinces of, 216–218;
unity of, 216–218; economy in,
265–268; politics in, 265–268. See
also El Salvador; Guatemala; Maya
civilization; Nicaragua; specific
leaders and countries
Centralists: in Mexico, 199; in Chile, 212
Centralization: in Spain, 95; in
Venezuela, 268
Centralized government, 196
Ceremonial sites, 13, 17, 18
Cerro de Pasco, 88
Cervantes de Saavedra, Miguel, 50, 71
Ceuta (Morocco), and Portugal, 52
Cevallos, Pedro de, 143
Chac Mools (figures), 18
Chaco War, 210
Chalhoub, Sidney, 225
Chanchan, 30
Chapetón (tenderfoot), 111, 151
Charles II (Spain), 51, 135
Charles III (Spain), 136, 146, 154;
reconstruction under, 136; colonial
reforms and, 136–137, 140; mining
and, 140; Inquisition and, 148
Charles IV (Spain), 161; conservatism of,
136; Napoleon and, 170
Charles V (Holy Roman Empire): as
Spanish ruler, 47–48; Pizarro and,
68; new conquests permitted by, 74;
Las Casas and, 78; provincial officers
and, 99; fear of colonial feudalism
by, 102
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