A History of Latin America

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Communist Manifesto (Marx), 188
“Communists,” Mexican peasant revolts
and, 204
Comonfort, Ignacio, 201
Compadrazgo, 185
Compaña (warrior band), 72
Comte, Auguste, 261
Comuneros: revolt in Spain, 47; revolt in
New Granada, 156
Concertaje, 240
Concubinage, among clergy, 104–105
Condamine, Charles Marie de La, 148
Condorcanqui, José Gabriel, 113, 155
Conflict, state resolution of, 11
Conflict of interest: among planters, slave
hunters, and Jesuit missionaries, 125
Congo River, 53
Congregations, 86
Congregations, indigenous towns as,
Congress of Angostura (Venezuela), 235
Conquest, 52–75; nature of Spanish,
4–5; populations in 1492 and,
11–12; as theme of Spanish history,
36–37; American civilizations and,
57; reasons for Spanish success,
68–69; conquistador’s vision of,
74; in making of Latin America, 84
(illus.); problems left by, 96–97. See
also specific countries
Conquest of America (Todorov), 60
Conquest of the Desert (Argentina), 253
Conquistadors, 4; accounts of Aztec
and Inca empires, 14; in Mexico,
61–62; in Tenochtitlán, 64–65;
characteristics of, 71–73; motives of,
72, 73; royal jealousy of, 95. See also
specific individuals
Conselheiro, Antônio, 262
Conselho de India, 129
Conservatism: in new states, 191; in
Mexico, 195–196; vs. liberalism in
Mexico, 199–201; in Chile, 212–
213; in Central America, 216
Conservative Party: in Mexico, 199;
in Chile, 215; in Brazil, 224; in
Colombia, 241
Conservatives: in Nicaragua, 218, 267;
in Venezuela, 238; in Colombia, 270
Consolidación de Vales Reales, 146–147
Consolidated Copper company, 251
Consolidation, 252
Constant Botelho de Matalhães,
Benjamin, 261–262
Constituent Congress (1830, Venezuela),
Constitutional convention: in Santa Fe
(Entre Ríos) (1852), 208

Constitutions, 180, 195; in Venezuela,
165, 235; in Mexico, 199; in
Argentina, 205–208; in Chile, 212;
in Brazil, 221; in Gran Colombia,
235; in Colombia, 270–271
Consulado (merchant guild), 137
Continental System, 161
Contraband trade, in Spanish colonies,
137, 138
Contribución de indigenas (Peru), 228
Conucos agriculture, 12
Convent life, 120–121
Conversion: papal grant of America to
Castile for, 78; as task of church,
102–103; lack of success of, 103
Conversos, 41, 45–46, 46 (illus.); in New
Spain and Peru, 106; prohibited from
going to Indies, 106
Cook, Sherburne, 11
Coolies.See Chinese immigrants
Copernicus, 147
Córdoba, Francisco Hernández de, 62
Córdoba, Gonzalo de, 43, 62
Córdoba, Spain, 37; caliphate of, 38;
capture by Ferdinand III (Castile), 38
Coronado, Francisco Vásquez de, 70
Coronéis (Brazil), 262, 264
Coronel, Antonio, 201
Corregidores, 41, 82, 98–99, 98 (illus.)
Corregidores de indios, 98
Corruption: in Brazil, 130
Cortés: in Santiago, Cuba, 62
Cortés, Hernando, 62, 64 (illus.),
72; Quetzalcóatl legend and, 22;
Tenochtitlán and, 27, 64–65; Aztec
Empire as Kingdom of New Spain
and, 65; encomiendas forbidden to,
78–79; as businessman, 85
Cortés, Martin, 66
Cortes (parliament): of Castile, 40–42,
48; of Madrigal, 41; of Toledo, 41; of
Spain, 44, 162, 175; of Aragon, 48;
in Portugal, 170
Cosa, Juan de la, 61
Cosmes, Francisco G., 249
Costa Rica: chiefdoms in, 10; in United
Provinces of Central America, 216–
218; coffee in, 217
Cotton industry: in Brazil, 127;
dislocation in United States, 229; in
Peru, 229
Council of Castile, 95, 96
Council of State: in Brazil, 222
Council of the Indies, 95–96, 99, 138
Councils, self-rule and, 99
Counterrevolution: in Mexico, 203
Coups d’état: in Venezuela, 269
Courts: Aztec, 27; audiencia as, 66; in
Brazil, 129

Couturier, Edith, 119–120
Cozumel, exploration of, 63
Crafts: in Colombia, 10; in postclassic
period, 14
Credit: in Spain, 42; in Venezuela, 238
Creek Indians, 5
Creoles (American-born Spaniards),
6, 111; in town councils, 99; on
haciendas, 118; Consolidation and,
146; military service by, 146; social
position of, 146; nationalism of,
148–150; resentment of immigrants,
151; revolt of 1780–1781 and,
156; New Granada insurrection
and, 157; peninsular Spaniards and,
158–161; defeat of British army
by, 161; independence as goal of,
162; in Argentina, 166, 253; in
Guayaquil, 166; in Mexico, 170–
175; constitutions of, 195; in Peru,
228; in Cuba, 233, 234; as white
supremacists (Cuba), 235
Crespes, Jehuda, 53
Criollo values. See Creoles (American-
born Spaniards)
Crops: in Mexico, 8; of Maya, 19; Aztec,
23; of Inca, 32; cash, 138. See also
Agriculture; Farmers and farming
Cruz, Juana Inés de la, 106, 109, 109
(illus.), 119
Cruz, Oswaldo, 263
Cry of Ipiranga (Brazil), 170
Cuauhtemóc (Aztec), 65, 70 (illus.);
surrender of, 65
Cuauhtemoc contra el mito (Siqueiros), 70
Cuba, 61; chiefdoms in, 10; Columbus
and, 56; sugar in, 138; isolation of,
231; 19th-century development
in, 231; economy in, 231–234;
independence of, 231–234; society
in, 231–234; labor in, 232–234;
Oriente Province in, 233; Ten
Years’ War in, 234–235; two
societies in, 235; white supremacists
in, 235
Cúcuta, 164, 235
Cuenta (count): of tribute payers, 79
Cuitlahuac (Aztec), 69
Cultivation: techniques of, 8; in
Colombia, 10. See also Agriculture;
Farmers and farming
Cultural relativism, 58
Culture: in stages of history, 13–14;
Aztec, 26–29; of Peru, 29–30;
Muslim, 37; colonial, 147–148
Cumbes, 236
Cunha, Euclides da, 263
Curaçao, 137
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