A History of Latin America

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Curacas (hereditary chiefs): of Inca, 33,
34, 67
Currency: in Spain, 42
Cushner, Nicholas, 141
Customs: in Venezuela, 269
Cuyo province, 167
Cuzco, 34, 35; Incas and, 30; Spanish
in, 67

Da Gama, Vasco, 53–54
Darien: in Panama, 61
Dávila, Pedrarias, 61, 66
Death to the Invader (Siqueiros mural), 213
De Bry, Theodore, 90 (illus.)
Debt.See Foreign debt
Debt peonage, 94; in Indies, 141
Debt servitude, 82–83
Decadencia (decadence): in Spain, 50
Decentralization: in Spanish American
administration, 143–144
Declaration of the Rights of Man:
translation and printing of, 160
Deforestation: population crisis and, 12
Degredados (exiled criminals), 122
De la Barca, Carderón, 51
Del Valle, Juan, 102
Democracy: of Brazilian tribes, 9
Democratic Societies: in Colombia, 241
Demographic history: of Ancient
America, 11–12
Demonstrations: between patriots and
royalists, 162
Denevan, William T., 12
Dependence: on Europe and U.S., 244
Depression: in 17th century, 89; in Chile,
215; in Mexico, 252
De Soto, Hernando de, 70
Despotism: Aztec, 28; “enlightened,” 136
Dessalines, Jean Jacques, 160
Diamonds: in Brazil, 127
Dias, Bartholomeu, 53
Díaz, Porfirio, 190, 192, 204, 246, 248
(illus.); positivism and, 204–205;
Mexican Reforma and, 245, 246;
dictatorship under, 247–249;
reaction against, 251, 252
Díaz del Castillo, Bernal, 73
Dictatorships, 191; underlying
constitutions, 195; in Paraguay,
205; in Argentina, 207; of Díaz,
Porfirio (Mexico), 247–249. See also
specific dictators
Diente del Parnaso (Tooth of Parnassus)
(Valle y Caviedes), 109
Diplomacy: dollar diplomacy, 246. See
also Imperialism; specific acts
“Discovery,” 57
Discrimination: by colonial law, 100; in
Cuba, 233. See also Racism

Disease: from European contact, 12, 57,
124, 125; Spanish, 68
Dispensations: purchase of legal
whiteness through, 151
Divination: by Inca, 35
Divinity: of king, 10
Division of labor, 10; Aztec, 28
Dobyns, Henry, 12
Dollar diplomacy, 246
Domesticated animals: Aztecs and, 27;
introduction of Spanish into America,
Domesticated plants, 8
Dominican Republic, 55. See also
Dominicans, 103; protests against
treatment of indigenous peoples by, 77
Dom Pedro, 221–222
Donatory system of government: in
Brazil, 128
Don Quijote (Cervantes), 50
Dowries: costs of, 120n
Draconianos (lower military): in
Colombia, 241
Draft labor: for indigenous peoples, 245
Drake, Francis, 92–93
Dreyfus firm: Peruvian guano monopoly
and, 230
Dual monarchy: in Portugal, 170
Du Bois, W.E.B., 220
Durán, Diego, 103, 107
Dutch: independence of, 49; Portuguese
spice trade and, 53–54; in Brazil,
126; smuggling by, 128
Duties, 91; on trade, 91
Dyes: in El Salvador, 267

Ecclesiastical patronage: in Brazil, 130
Economic archipelago: in Colombia, 240
Economic crisis: debate over, 88–89
Economics: impact of Discovery and, 57
Economy: colonial, 5–6, 93–94; Maya,
18–19; of Inca, 30–34; Andean
“vertical,” 32; of Castile, 39; of
Aragon, 40; of Spain, 42, 43, 45,
49–50, 82–85; repartimiento system
and, 81–82; haciendas and, 85–86,
118; Bourbon commercial reforms
and, 138; after independence, 191–
192; stagnation after independence,
194–195; in Río de la Plata region,
205–206; Industrial Revolution and,
243; neocolonialism and, 244–247;
in Central America, 265–268. See
also Depression; Encomienda; Labor;
Slaves and slavery; Trade; specific
Ecosystems: pre-Conquest, 12; European
destructions of, 57

Ecuador, 235; in Classic period, 13;
freedom of, 166; union with
Colombia, 235
Education: Aztec, 26–27; of Inca, 35; for
indigenous youth, 103; in colonies,
148; Enlightenment writings and,
159; bilingualism, 181–182; in
Mexico, 204; in Argentina, 206, 211;
in Gran Colombia, 235; in Chile, 258.
See also Schools
El Carnero, 109
El Dorado: search for, 69–75
Elections: in indigenous communities,
114; in Argentina, 208; in Chile,
213; in Mexico, 247–248
Electoral reform: in Argentina, 255; in
Colombia, 271
El Greco, 51
Elites: colonial, 6; in chiefdoms, 10;
Maya, 17–18; Aztec, 24; instability
of, 86; loyalty of colonial, 100;
domination of native peoples by,
102; in Brazil, 133–134, 169;
Consolidation and, 147; mestizos and
mulattos in, 151; in Mexico, 170;
Europeanization of, 186; military,
194; political and military careers
of, 194; in Peru, 228; in Cuba, 234,
235; in Colombia, 239; dependency
on Europe and U.S. by, 244; in
Argentina, 253; in Chile, 259; in
Nicaragua, 267
Elizabeth I (England), 48, 92
El Salvador: Maya in, 17; in United
Provinces of Central America, 216–
218; Carrera and, 217; crops in, 217;
economy in, 267–268; 1876–1911,
267–268; politics in, 267–268; labor
in, 268
Emancipation.See Abolition and
Emperor, 10
Emphyteusis system (Argentina): for
land distribution, 206
Empires: growth of, 9; conditions for, 11;
in Postclassic period, 14
Employment: of immigrants, 151
Encomenderos, 73; scale of enterprises
of, 85; Las Casas and, 102
Encomienda: for Hernando Cortés, 62;
in Peru, 74; slavery and, 77–79; Las
Casas on, 78; forbidden to Cortés,
78–79; decline of native populations
and, 80; mitaya, 80–81; originaria,
80–81; haciendas and, 85
“Encounter”: use of term vs. “discovery,” 57
Encyclopedists: influence of, 136
Engineering: Aztec, 27; Roman
construction in Spain, 36
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