A History of Latin America

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


England (Britain), 247; Portuguese spice
trade and, 54; piracy and, 92–93;
Treaty of Madrid and, 93; merchant
class in, 137–138; Falkland Islands
and, 143; defeat by people’s militia,
161; Spanish shipping and, 161;
Mexico and, 197, 203; Uruguay
and, 206; Argentina and, 212; Chile
and, 214, 255–256, 258–260;
United States and, 216–217, 246;
Brazilian independence and, 221;
neocolonialism and, 244; Venezuela
and, 269
Enlightened despotism, 136; in Portugal,
Enlightenment: Spanish, 136; creole
discontent and, 159
Entails, 196; in Chile, 214, 215
Enterprise of the Indies, 55
Entrepreneurial class, 244
Environment: of Maya culture, 17; cattle
damage to, 87
Equality: under Spanish law, 110; of
mulattos, 119
Erasmus: writings of, 101
Ercilla, Alonso de, 73
Errázuriz Zañartú, Federico, 215
Establishment: colonial, 159
Estancias (cattle ranches), 139, 193
Estancias de la patria (Paraguay), 205
Estancieros (landed oligarchy): in
Argentina, 206, 207, 253; Rosas as,
206 (illus.), 207
Estates: in Spain, 38; in Brazil, 133–134,
221; system of, 176; in agriculture,
193; dominance of, 193–194; in
Paraguay, 205; in Chile, 214. See also
Estancias (cattle ranches); Fazenda
(estate); Haciendas (estates)
Estremadura, 45, 72
Ethnic groups: in Colombia, 270
Ethnocentricity: of term “discovery,” 57;
European, 58
Ethnographic data: of Las Casas, 58
Ethnography: to inventory pre-
Columbian cultures, 103
Europe: impact of Discovery on, 57;
neocolonialism by, 244–245
Europeans: diseases brought by, 12; in
Mexico, 61–62; in Spanish America,
Exaltados (radical liberals): in Brazil, 221
Exemplary Tales (Cervantes), 71
Expansion: assessment of Western, 57
Exploitation: by colonial law, 100
Exploration: to find trade routes, 52; by
Portugal, 52–53
Exports, 181, 194, 243–245; from
Spain, 43; from Paraguay, 211; from

Peru, 229, 230; from Colombia,
240, 270; from Mexico, 250; from
Argentina, 253–254
Extended family: Maya, 19
Extramarital affairs: women and, 119

Factories: in Mexico, 250–251; in Brazil,
Factory capitalism: in Mexico, 197
Falkland Islands. See Malvinas
Family, 118; Classic Maya, 19; slave,
Famine: in Mexico, 139
Farmers and farming, 85–86, 193; as
subsistence base of chiefdom, 9; in
Colombia, 10; terraced farms, 10,
32; Aztec, 24; agricultural tools,
32; in Hispaniola, 57; mixed-blood,
86; indigenous, 114; in Cuba, 231;
in Argentina, 253; in El Salvador,
267–268.See also Agriculture;
Haciendas (estates); Tenant farming;
specific crops
Fazenda (estate), 133, 193
Fazendeiros (former slave owners), 262
Federalism: in Argentina, 206–208,
252; in Venezuela, 239; in Brazil,
Federalists, 195–196; in Mexico, 196; in
Argentina, 206, 208; in Chile, 212
Federal Republican Party (Brazil), 263
Federal War (Venezuela), 239
Fencing, 211
Ferdinand III (Castile), 38
Ferdinand VI (Spain), 136, 137
Ferdinand VII (Spain), 161, 162, 164;
revolt against, 165–166; Napoleon
and, 170; return to throne, 174
Ferdinand and Isabella (Spain): historical
reappraisal of, 43–46; Spanish
exploration and, 55; Laws of Burgos
and, 77; Catholic Church and, 100;
Pope and, 101
Ferdinand Maximilian (Hapsburg). See
Maximilian (Mexico)
Ferdinand of Aragon, 40, 40 (illus.), 47
Ferrer, Ada, 234
Fertility goddesses: in Valley of Mexico,
Fertilization: by Inca, 32
Fertilizer: Chilean nitrates, guano, and,
215.See also Guano; Nitrate industry
Feudal colonial economy, 5–6, 93
Feudalism: of Inca, 34; in Peru, 228; in
Mexico, 250
Fico: in Portugal, 170
Fidelity: importance of, 118
Finances: in Mexico, 203
Financial crisis: in Cuba, 233

Fine arts, school of (Mexico City), 147
Fleet system: Spanish, 137–138
Florentine Codex, 62n
Flores, Juan José, 183
Florescano, Enrique, 104
Flores de Oliva, Isabel. See Rose of Lima
Flores Magón, Ricardo, 251
Florida: Ponce de Léon in, 69; Spanish
loss of, 138
Folsom stone projectile points, 7
Fonseca, Manuel Deodoro da, 262
Food: domesticated plants as, 8; shift
from gathering to producing, 8;
Aztec, 26; shortages in Spain, 45;
production in Mexico, 250
Food processing: in Brazil, 265
Forasteros (outsiders), 142, 150
Forced labor: of Incas, 33; in Peru, 228.
See also Slaves and slavery
Foreign corporate ownership, 246
Foreign debt: in Mexico, 197; in Peru,
Foreign investment, 197; in Argentina,
212, 253; in Peru, 229–230; in
Mexico, 250; in Chile, 260; in
Guatemala, 266. See also United
Foreign loans: to Mexico, 197
Foreign policy: of Ferdinand and Isabella
(Spain), 43
Foreign trade, 89; dependence on, 6
Forests: in Cuba, 232
Formative period, 13; Olmecs in, 13,
14–15; Maya and, 17; in Peru, 29
“Fourteen families”: in El Salvador,
France: Spain and, 43, 48, 160; Treaty
of Ryswick and, 93; Rio de Janeiro
founded by, 126; war with Spain
and, 161; invasion of Portugal
by, 169; Mexico and, 203–204;
July Revolution in (1830), 221;
Venezuela and, 269
Francia, José Gaspar Rodríguez de, 167,
205, 209, 244
Francis I (France): on Spanish America,
Francisca, Josefa María, 114
Franciscans, 103, 105
Frank, André Gunder, 93n
Free blacks: in Cuba, 233
Freedmen: in Peru, 230; in Venezuela,
Freedom: for Brazilian slaves, 133
Freedom of religion: in Argentina, 208
Free trade: in Mexico, 170
Free trade decree (1778), 138, 143
Free-trade policies, 243
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