A History of Latin America

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Hidalguía, 110
Hierarchical social structure, 196
Hierarchy: of social organization, 9, 10;
of Aztec courts, 27. See also Class;
Social stratification; Status; specific
Hieroglyphic writing: Olmec, 14;
Zapotec, 15; of Maya, 19, 20
Highlands: agriculture in, 8, 9
Hinojosa, Antonio de, 113n
Hispania: origins of term Spain and, 36
Hispaniola: chiefdoms in, 10; native
population of, 11; population before
Conquest, 11–12; Columbus at,
55–56; as Española, 55; Spanish
colonization of, 77; sugar in, 87
History of Ancient Mexico (Clavigero),
148, 149
History of Chile (Molina), 149
History of the Indians of New Spain
(Motolinía), 107
Holland: Venezuela and, 269
Holloway, Thomas, 75n
Holy Roman Emperor: Charles V as,
Home rule: in Mexico, 170
Honduras: Maya in, 17; Spanish
conquest of, 65; in United Provinces
of Central America, 216–218;
Carrera in, 217; government in, 217
Honor: sexual, 118–119
Horses, 87, 88
House of Trade, 91
Housing: of Maya, 18; Aztec, 26; of Inca
peasants, 34
Houston, Sam, 200
Huacas (local objects and places): of
Inca, 35
Huari Empire, 30
Huascar (Inca), 31, 67
Huayna Capac (Inca), 66
Huemac (Toltec), 22
Huitzilopochtli (god), 23–24
Humanists: in Spain, 43
Human sacrifice, 24n; Maya, 18, 20;
Toltec influence and, 18; Aztec, 20,
24, 24n; Inca, 35
Humboldt, Alexander von, 139, 141–
142, 148, 151, 159
Hunter/gatherers: in Ancient America,
Hurtado, Andrés, 74

Iberians: conquests by, 36
Ice Age: colonization in, 8
Illegitimacy, 119
Illiteracy.See Literacy
Immigrants and immigration: creole
resentment of, 151; European (post

1880), 187; in Argentina, 208, 211,
253; in Brazil, 229; in Guatemala,
266; in Venezuela, 269
Imperialism: in postclassic period, 14; of
Aztecs, 23–26; of Inca, 31; by United
States, 246
Imports: Aztec, 27; into Argentina, 253
Inca civilization, 9–11, 68–69; Aztecs
and, 25; origins of, 29–30; economy
and society of, 30–34; growth
of empire, 31; resettlement, 31;
masculinity and, 33; soldiers, 33;
human sacrifice by, 35; learning in,
35; oral literature of, 35; religion of,
35; remnants of, 35; Pizarro and,
66–67; warfare in, 69; Natural and
Moral History of the Indies (Acosta),
107; José Gabriel Condorcanqui
(Tupac Amaru II) and, 153, 155
(illus.); revolt, 153–156; idealization
of, 154
Income: from tribute, 79–80
Independence: struggles for, 152–153;
revolt in Peru for, 154; of Haiti, 160;
of Chile, 167; declared in Argentina,
167; of Peru, 168, 228; of Brazil,
169–170, 220–221; in Mexico,
170–176, 196–205; wars for, 182;
dictators and revolutions after,
193–218; economic stagnation
after, 194–195; of Paraguay, 209; of
Central America, 216–218; of Cuba,
231–234; of Venezuela, 237
Independence Day: in Brazil, 170
India: Portugal and, 53
Indian Ocean: Portuguese trade in, 54;
Columbus and, 56
“Indian” policy: of Spain, 5
Indians: Columbus’ naming of, 60. See
also Indigenous peoples
Indies: Columbus and, 55; legality of
Spain’s claim to, 77; Inquisition in,
106; class and caste in, 110–121.
See also Portuguese America; Spanish
Indígenas, 180
Indigenous peoples, 150; Jackson,
Andrew, and, 5; agriculture of, 8;
hunting/gathering by, 8; European
perspective on, 56–60; Conquest
as end of civilizations of, 57; in
Chile, 68; in Mexico, 68; nature
of, 76; encomienda and, 77;
Requerimiento and, 77; prohibition
against enslavement of, 79; decline
of population of, 80; treated as serfs,
81; abolition of enslavement of, 83;
black slavery as replacement for, 83;
handicrafts of, 89–90; provincial

administration of, 98–99; regulating
labor of, 100; cities for, 101;
Spanish ruling domination of, 102;
Inquisition and, 106; social order,
in colonial era, 112–115; status of,
112–115; as commoners, 114; on
haciendas, 118; women of, 121;
Portuguese policy toward, 124–126;
extermination of, 125; acculturation
of, 152, 182; opposition to mita
by, 152; protests by, 152–153;
repartimiento de mercancías and,
152–153; revolt in Peru by, 153–
156; New Granada insurrection and,
156–157; interest in, 196; rights of,
196; in California, 201; land uses
by, 201–203; in Argentina, 206;
in Peru, 228; community lands of,
245; draft labor for, 245; village
lands of, 249; Conquest of the Desert
(Argentina) and, 253; in Guatemala,
266; War of the Comuneros
(Nicaragua) and, 267
Indigenous Rulers: An Ethnohistory
of Town Government in Colonial
Cuernevaca (Heskett), 113n
Indigo, 217, 267; in Guatemala, 266
Industrialization: in Argentina, 206; in
Brazil, 263
Industrial Revolution, 191–192, 243
Industry: Spanish, 42, 45; colonial,
89–90; mercantilist trade and, 91;
Portuguese, 126–128; in Spanish
America, 142–143; modernization
in Mexico, 197; in Paraguay, 209;
in Chile, 215; Grace, W. R., in Peru,
and, 230; in Colombia, 240, 270; in
Mexico, 250; foreign management in
Argentina and, 253; in Brazil, 265
Inflation: in Mexico, 250; in Argentina,
253–254; in Colombia, 271
Infrastructure: in Argentina, 212, 253;
in Peru, 229; in Nicaragua, 267; in
Venezuela, 268–269
Inheritance: by heir of encomendero, 79;
Spanish laws of, 86
Inquisition, 189; in Spain, 46; in New
World, 106; restrictions on, 136;
Mutis and, 147; radical ideas and,
148; independence and, 176
Intellectual thought, 13; of Maya,
19–21; of Ferdinand and Isabella,
41–43; Inquisition in Spain and, 46;
about Discovery, 56–60; in Spanish
colonies, 147–148; of Jesuits, 148;
Creole, 148–150. See also Literature;
Intendant system: in colonies, 145
Intermarriage, 118–119
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