A History of Latin America

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Interracial unions: in Brazil, 131
Intervention by United States. See specific
Invasions: of Mesoamerica (A.D. 800),
23; of Spain, 36
Investment: in Argentina, 206, 253;
U.S. investment in Cuba, 234; in
Latin America, 244. See also Foreign
Irrigation, 9, 10; by Aztecs, 27; by Incas,
Isabella of Castile, 40, 40 (illus.);
Columbus and, 55. See also Ferdinand
and Isabella (Spain)
Isolation: pre-Conquest, 12
Isthmus of Panama, 96; trade in, 91, 92.
See also Panama
Italian possessions: Spanish, 135
Iturbide, Augustín de, 175, 196, 199,
Iturrigaray, José de, 170
Itzam Na (Maya god), 19
Itzcoatl (Aztec), 23, 24; water system
under, 27
Ixtlilxochitl, Fernando de Alva, 107

Jackson, Andrew, 5
Jacobsen, Nils, 156
Jamaica, 61; chiefdoms in, 10; Columbus
in, 56; English in, 93; Bolívar in, 165
Japan, 55
Jefe politico (Guatemala), 217
Jesuits, 105, 189; wealth of, 104;
expulsion from colonies, 105–106;
missions of, 105–106; as state within
a state, 106; expelled from Brazil,
125; protests against mistreatment
of natives, 125; in Brazil, 130–131;
expulsion from Spain, 136; debt
peonage and, 141
Jews: in Spain, 37, 37 (illus.), 45–46;
as conversos, 41, 45–46, 46 (illus.);
expulsion from Portugal, 54;
prohibited from going to Indies, 106.
See also Judaism
Jiménez de Cisneros, Francisco, 42, 43
Jiménez de Quesada, Gonzalo, 71
João III (Portugal), 122
João IV (Portugal), 221
João VI (Portugal), 169, 170
John II (Aragon), 40
John II (Portugal), 53
Johnson, Julie Greer, 109
José I (Portugal), 128
Juana (Castile), 40
Juana (daughter of Ferdinand and
Isabella), 47
Juárez, Benito, 195, 201, 202 (illus.); Ley
Juárez (Juárez Law) and, 200–202;

clergy and, 203; as president, 204;
anticlerical decrees of, 245
Juárez Law. See Ley Juárez (Juárez Law)
Judaism, converso return to, 106
Judicial review, 98–99
Judicial system. See specific countries
Julius II (Pope), 101
July Revolution (1830, France), 221
Júnior, Caio Prado, 130, 134
Juntas de manumisión, 237

Kamen, Henry, 94
Karttunen, Frances, 63n
Kingdom of Mosquitia, 267
Kings: priest-kings, 10, 13; of Castile, 39
Kinship: in tribes, 10; groups in
Formative period, 13; Aztec, 24; of
Inca, 32
Korner, Emil, 260
Koster, Henry, 131
Kroeber, A. L., 11, 12
Kropotkin, Peter, 190
Kurakas (headmen), 112; in Peru, 112;
Hispanicized, 113

Labor: tribute, 4; Aztec, 27; of Incas,
33; slave, 54; shortage of, 61;
indigenous, 76, 100; encomienda
and, 77–79; enslaved Mayan,
78 (illus.); concubines and, 80;
repartimiento system of, 81; debt
servitude and, 82–83; for silver
mining, 88, 140; enslaved in
Potosí, 90 (illus.); slave trade and,
126; of Brazilian slaves, 131–132;
agricultural production and, 139;
on haciendas, 139; debt for holding,
141; struggles in colonial Spanish
America, 142–143; in Potosí silver
mines, 154; in Central America, 217;
agricultural, 245–246; conditions
of, 245–246. See also Strikes; Trade
unions; Yanaconas (permanent
servants); specific countries
Labor movement: in Argentina, 255
Labor strikes. See Strikes
Labor systems: in 18th century, 141–
Labor unrest, 251
Ladd, Doris, 143
Ladino (mestizo) farmers: in El Salvador,
La Escalera Conspiracy, 232
Lafaye, Jacques, 149
Lakes, as Aztec water supply, 27
Lake Texcoco, 23
Lake Titicaca, 30
Land: Aztec, 28; in Spain, 44–45;
concentration of, 85–86; Spanish

settlements and, 105; agricultural
production and, 139; church-owned
(Mexico), 202; in Mexico, 202–203;
in Argentina, 205–206, 211; in
Brazil, 221; in Venezuela, 237–238;
hacienda system and, 245–246; in
El Salvador, 267–268; in Colombia,
270–271.See also Communal
landholding system; Haciendas
Landa, Diego de, 19, 21
Landed aristocracy, 194, 230. See also
Aristocracy; Haciendas (estates);
Landowners; Latifundio (great estate)
Landholding, 181
Landowners: Aztec, 24; supreme power
of, 95; in Andes, 139; in Mexico,
139, 249–250; revolutions and, 176;
in Chile, 213–214; in Guatemala,
217, 266; in Brazil, 224; in Cuba,
234; in El Salvador, 268
Land tenure: in Mexico, 139; in Brazil,
262; in Guatemala, 266
Languages: evidence of ancient
settlement and, 8; Quechua, 31, 35;
Castilian, 43
La Plata (capital of Brazil), 252
La Plata river system, 208
Las Casas, Bartolomé de, 4, 12, 58, 73,
74, 101, 102 (illus.); population
of Hispaniola and, 11–12; struggle
against indigenous slavery and, 78;
on indigenous welfare, 102
Lascasian wing, of clergy, 102
Lastarria, José Victorino, 214
Latifundio (great estate): agricultural
production and, 139; in Chile, 214;
in Cuba, 231; in Colombia, 237, 270
Latin America: colonial conquest, trade,
and enslavement, 84; viceroyalties
in, 144 (illus.); independence of,
158–176; liberation of South
America and, 162–163; in 1830,
198 (illus.); U.S. challenges to Britain
in, 246
Latin language, and Spanish language,
Lavradio, marquis de, 130
Lavrín, Asunción, 119
Law: Roman, 36; Spanish colonial,
100; land owners protected by, 114;
indigenous peoples and, 195; in
Guatemala, 217
Laws of Burgos, 77
Laws of the Indies (1681), 96, 110
Lazarillo de Tormes (novel), 50
Learning: of Maya, 19–21; of Inca, 35;
in Spain, 42–43. See also Education;
Intellectual thought
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