A History of Latin America

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Le de Terrenos Baldíos (vacant public
lands), 249
Legend, of Spanish cruelty, 5
Léon and Castile, 38
León y Gama, Antonio de, 148
Lepanto, battle at, 48
Lerdo de Tejada, Miguel, 201, 203
Lerdo de Tejada, Sebastian, 204
Lerdo Law. See Ley Lerdo (Lerdo Law)
Lesser Antilles, 93
Letrados, 41
Ley de Deslindes (1883), 249
Ley de Terrenos (1894), 249
Ley Juárez (Juárez Law), 202, 203
Ley Lerdo (Lerdo Law), 200, 202, 203,
Liberalism, 195–196; in new states,
191; in Mexico, 195–196, 199–201;
in Chile, 212, 215–216; in Central
America, 216
Liberal Party: in Mexico, 199; in
Colombia, 241
Liberals: in Nicaragua, 218; in
Venezuela, 238; land seizure by,
245; in Argentina, 252; Guatemalan
reforms, 265; in Nicaraua, 267; in
Colombia, 270–271
Liberation: of South America, 162–170;
southern liberation movement and,
166–169; of Río de la Plata region,
205–206.See also Independence
Liberator.See Bolívar, Simón
Libertadora, La, 175
Libertos, 240
Lifestyle: of Chibcha and Muisca
chiefdoms, 10; of Maya, 18–19;
Aztec, 26–29; of Guaraní people,
80–81; in cities, 116–118; on
haciendas, 139
Lima, 116, 117; Spanish in, 67;
university in, 106; independence
and, 169
Lima Inquisition, 106
Limantour, José Yves, 249
Limpieza de sangre (purity of blood), 110
Liniers, Santiago, 166
Literacy: as voting requirement, 195,
213, 220, 258; in Paraguay, 209; in
Guatemala, 266
Literature: Spanish writers of Latin
literature, 36; in Spain, 50–51;
of colonial era, 108–110; in 16th
century colonies, 147–148; Jesuit,
148; 1820–1900, 190
Littoral provinces: in Argentina, 208
Livestock: in Argentina, 211; in Cuba,
231.See also Cattle industry
Llaneros, 164, 165
Loans.See Foreign loans

Local government: in New Spain and
Peru, 114, 115; in Brazil, 129–130
López, Carlos Antonio, 209–211, 244
López, Francisco Solano, 209, 244
López, Pero, 74
López de Gómara, Francisco, 4, 56–57
López de Palacios Rubios, Juan, 77
López Solano, Francisco, 209
L’Ouverture, Toussaint, 184
Lucan (poet), 36
Luque, Hernando de, 66
Lynch, John, 94, 186, 207

Macehualtin (commoners), 24
Maceo, Antonio, 233, 234
Machu Picchu, 35
Madeira Islands, 53, 54, 123
Madero, Francisco, 252
Madrid, Treaty of, 93
Magellan, Ferdinand, 61
Maize, 8, 13, 18, 29, 30, 118; in Peru,
Making of Bourgeois Europe, The (Mooers),
Malacca, 54
Malay Peninsula: Portugal and, 54
Malinche, 63, 63n
Malinda, Kenya, 53
Mallon, Florencia, 196, 244
Malvinas, 143
Mamacuna (holy women): of Inca, 35
Management: foreign, in Argentina, 253
Manco (Inca), 67
Manco II (Inca): revolt by, 153
Manifesto to the Citizens of New
Granada, 164
Manila: Acapulco trade with, 91; loss to
England, 146
Manioc, 8
Mann, Horace, 211
Manuel de Céspedes, Carlos, 233
Manuel I (Portugal), 53–54
Manufactured goods, 194
Manufacturing: Aztec, 28; Spanish
colonial, 140–141; in Brazil, 265
Manumission, 184, 229; in Brazil, 133;
in Paraguay, 209; in Venezuela, 238.
See also Slaves and slavery
Maps, 53
Marcos (Fray), 70
“Marginal elites,” 171
Marinha e Ultramar, 129
Markets: Portuguese, 128; Chilean
products, 212; internal, 244
Maroon communities, 220
Marquez, Pedro José, 148
Marriage: Aztec, 27; with indigenous
women, 73; for land consolidation,
86; in colonial era, 118; sexuality,

women, and, 118–121; civil, in
Venezuela, 269
Martí, José, 184, 234
Martí (Bishop, Venezuela), 119
Martín, Luis, 121
Martínez, Hildeberto, 152
Marx, Karl, 5, 57, 188
Marxism: of Argentina’s Socialist Party,
255; in Chile, 260
Mascates, War of the (Brazil), 134
“Mask of Ferdinand,” 170, 172
Masses: revolt of, 152–157; in
Argentina, 207
Mass human sacrifice, 24–24n
Material culture, 13
Material wealth, and missionaries, 104
Mathematics: in Classic period, 13; of
Maya, 20
Matto Grosso, Brazil, 127
Mauá, Viscount, 185
Maurice of Nassau, 126
Mawe, John, 127
Maximilian (Mexico), 204
Maya civilization, 14, 17–23; agriculture
of, 9, 10; collapse of, 12; in Classic
period, 13; lowland culture of, 17;
age of, 17–18; economy and society
of, 18–19; urban areas, 19; writing
of, 19, 20–21; theology and, 19–20;
intellectual life of, 19–21; religion of,
19–21; human sacrifice by, 20; arts
of, 21, 21 (illus.); decline of, 22–23;
Spanish and, 62, 65; codex of, 78
(illus.); uprising by, 152–153. See
also Maya Classic civilization
Maya Classic civilization, 17–23;
collapse of, 17–18; dates of, 17n;
settlements of, 18–19; disintegration
of, 22–23
Mayapan, 18, 19
Mayeque (serflike peasants), 24
Mayorazgo (entailed estate), 86
Mazombos, 170
Mazorca terrorist organization
(Argentina), 207
McFarlane, Anthony, 153
McKinley Tariff Act of 1890, 235
Measles, 12
Meat, 87. See also Cattle industry
Medici family, 61
Meiggs, Henry, 230
Mejía, Tomás, 204
Melchor de Talamantes (Fray), 170
Melo, José María, 270
Men: clothing of Aztec, 26; Inca, 33
Mendoza, Antonio de, 70, 96
Mendoza, Pedro de, 71
Meniñas, Las (Velázquez), 50, 50 (illus.)
Mercado, Ramón, 179
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