A History of Latin America

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Mercantilism: Spanish-colonial trade
and, 92; Spanish, 141
Merchant class, 194
Merchant guilds, 91
Merchants: Aztec, 24, 28; in Brazil, 122,
134; Portuguese, 128; English, 137–
138; domination of trade by, 194;
in Argentina, 208; in Chile, 212; in
Central America, 216; Colombian
Gólgotas and, 241
Mercury: for silver processing, 88
Merino sheep, 39
Mesa da Consciência, 125
Mesoamerica: in Classic period, 13, 14;
sites of pre-Conquest culture in, 16
(illus.); Time of Troubles in, 22. See
also specific regions
Messianic movements, 262
Mesta (stockbreeders’ association), 39,
45, 136
Mestizos (mixed race people): Guaraní
and, 81; as farmers, 86; status of,
110–112; equality of, 119; Virgin
of Guadalupe and, 149 (illus.),
150; social movement by, 151; as
tributary category, 154; revolt of
1780-1781 and, 156; New Granada
insurrection and, 157; tribute from
(Peru), 228
Metallurgy, 35
Metate: Aztec, 26; maize as, 118
Methuen treaty (1703), 128
Mexican-Americans, and Treaty of
Guadalupe Hidalgo, 201
Mexicans, treatment of, in U.S., 200–201
Mexican War, 200
Mexico: domesticated plants in, 8;
Aztecs of, 10, 23–29; demographic
history of, 11–12; after Conquest,
12; civilization of, 12; pre-Conquest
population of, 12; early civilizations
of, 14–17; Maya in, 17; Toltecs and,
22; Spanish conquest of, 61–66;
expansion of Spanish conquest
beyond, 65–66; Spanish right to
control, 78–79; decline of native
population in, 80; agricultural
repartimiento abolished in, 81–82;
cattle and sheep imported into, 87;
silver in, 88–90; Acapulco-Manila
trade and, 91; status in, 113;
haciendas in, 139; land and, 139,
245, 249; report on economy, 140;
Mixton war in, 152–153; liberation
movement and, 163; labor in, 171,
250–252; politics in, 195–196, 199–
201; independence and, 196–205;
industrial modernization in, 197;
trade deficit in, 197; economy in,

197–199, 204, 250; first president
of, 199; government of, 199, 203,
247–248; liberals vs. conservatives
in, 199–201; cession of lands to
U.S., 200; La Reforma in, 201–204;
legislature, 203; socially conscious
artists in, 248 (illus.); real estate in,
249; alcoholism in, 250; foreign
control of economic sectors in, 250;
strike in, 251 (illus.)
Mexico City, 116; Teotihuacán and,
14; university in, 106; science in,
147–148; riots in, 152–153; cabildo
(creole stronghold), 170
Michoacán, 173, 201
Middle Ages, in Spain, 37–41
Middle class: in Spain, 136; in Spanish
America, 151; in Mexico, 202; in
Central America, 216; dissatisfaction
by, 246; unrest in Mexico by, 250–
252; in Brazil, 263; in Colombia,
271.See also Class
Middle Passage, 115
Mier, Servando Teresa de, 150
Migrant labor, 268
Migration: to Ancient America, 7–8. See
also Immigrants and immigration
Militarist period, 22
Military: Aztec, 26; in Castile, 39;
Spanish, 41; defense of Spanish
colonies and, 146; expansion of, 194;
standing armies and, 194; privileges
of, 196; in Mexico, 200, 204, 247–
248; in Central America, 218; in
Brazil, 222–224, 263; in Nicaragua,
267; in Colombia, 270
Military elite, 194
Military junta: in Spain, 162; in
Argentina, 166
Military state (Teotihuacán), 17
Millenarianism, 101, 101n
Miller, Francesca, 176
Millones, Luis, 89n, 112
Mills (sugar processing), 124
Milpas (farm plots), 18
Minchom, Martin, 152
Minerals: in Brazil, 126–127; in
Atacama region, 255
Mingas (free workers), 154
Minifundio, 245
Mining and mining industry, 194; Cortés
and, 85; colonial, 88–90; in Mexico,
171, 197, 251; in Peru, 228; in
Colombia, 240; in Chile, 260
Mining guild, 140
Mining repartimiento, 81
Minorca, 135
Miramón, Miguel, 204
Miranda, Francisco de, 160–161, 164

Miscegenation, 116, 131
Missionaries: conversion as task of,
102–103; disputes among, 103–104;
decline of, 104–106; success of,
105; taming of wilderness by, 105;
wilderness and, 105; and historical
record, 107. See also Catholic Church;
Clergy; specific individuals
Missions, 105
Mita: repartimiento as, 81; replacement
by silver, 82n; in Peru, 96; in Andean
area, 141; opposition to, 152;
burdens of, 153, 154
Mitayos (drafted workers), 153
Mitimaes (colonists), 31, 33
Mitre, Bartolomé, 208, 209
Mixed races, 110; soldiers of, 124 (illus.).
See also Mestizos (mixed race people)
Mixton war (Mexico), 152
Mochica civilization, 13, 30
Moctezuma, Isabel, 73
Moctezuma II (Aztec), 24, 28
Moctezuma (Montezuma) (Aztecs), 14;
Europeans and, 61–62; Cortés and,
63–65; daughter of, 73
Moderados (Mexico), 199
Molina, Juan Ignacio, 149
Monarchy (Brazil), 260–262
Monarchy (Portugal): Brazil taxation by,
129; church and, 130
Monarchy (Spain), 6, 41; in Castile, 39;
indigenous labor regulated by, 100;
San Martín and, 168
Monasteries, 42, 49. See also
Money: Aztec, 27; in Peru, 230; in Brazil,
263; in Colombia, 271
Monoculture, 138, 244
Montaigne, Michel de, 9, 58, 126
Monteagudo, Bernardo, 168
Monte Albán culture, 13, 15
Monteclaros, Marqués de, 104
Montejo, Francisco de, 65
Montesinos, Antón, 77
Montesinos (Father), 125
Montevideo, 205, 211
Montt, Manuel, 214
Monument ruins, 35
Mooers, Colin, 93n
Mora, José María Luis, 199, 200
Morals: laxity of missionary, 104–105;
in Brazil, 130–131
Morazán, Francisco, 217, 218
More, Thomas, 58, 101
Morelos, José María, 173–174, 196
Moreno, Gabriel García, 190
Morillo, Pablo, 165
Morineau, Michel, 89
Moriscos (Muslims), 110
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