A History of Latin America

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Morison, Samuel Eliot, 77
Morocco, 52–53
Moscoso (Bishop of Cuzco), 155
Motolinía (Friar Toribio de Benavente),
11, 102, 103, 107; History of the
Indians of New Spain, 107
Mounds, 13, 14
Mozárabes, 37
Muisca chiefdoms, 10
Mulattos.See Mestizos (mixed race
Mulattos, in colonial social order, 115
Mules, 87, 88
Municipal councils: taxation in Brazil
and, 129–130. See also Town
Murals: of Maya, 21, 21 (illus.). See also
specific painters
Music: of Inca, 35
Muslims: in Spain, 37–38; Spanish
Reconquest and, 38; Portugal and,
52–53; prohibited from going to
Indies, 106; as Moriscos, 110
Mutis, José Celestino Bruno (botanist),

Nabuco, Joaquim, 224
Nahuatl-speaking people, 23
Ñáñingos, 235
Napoleon: Spain and, 161; fall of, 164;
capture of Charles IV and Ferdinand
VII by, 170; defeat of, 174
Napoleon III (France), 203
Nariño, Antonio, 160
Narváez, Pánfilo, 69
National bank (Colombia), 271
National guard: in Brazil, 222. See also
Nationalism: Creole, 148–150; creole,
159; of Rivadavia, 207
Nationalization: of nitrate industry,
National Police and National Guard: in El
Salvador, 268
National War, 218
Native peoples. See Indigenous peoples
Natural and Moral History of the Indies
(Acosta), 107
Natural slavery, Aristotelian theory of,
“Nature of Chilean Society, The”
(Bilbao), 214
Navarre, 43
Navas de Tolosa, Las: Christian victory
at, 38
Navigation: Henry of Portugal and,
52–53; astrolabe and, 53
Nazca culture, 13, 30
Nebrija, Antonio de, 43

Neocolonialism, 244–247; hacienda
system and, 245–246
Netherlands, 48–49, 135
Neutrals, 138
New Castile, Spain, 39
New Chronicle (Waman Puma), 107
New Granada, 137, 143, 164; trade
in, 91; insurrection in (1781),
156–157; Bolívar and, 166; freedom
of provinces in, 166; Colombia in,
235, 239; Panama in, 239. See also
New Laws of the Indies (1542), 68,
79–81, 102
New Mexico: cession to U.S., 200;
Hispanics in, 201; Santa Fe Ring in, 201
New Spain: Aztec Empire as, 65;
audiencia of, 79; encomiendas and,
79–81; repartimiento in, 81–82;
17th century economy in, 89;
trade in, 91; viceroyalty of, 96;
indigenous local government in, 114;
free trade in, 138; mining guild in,
140; Bourbon monarchy in, 170;
autonomy within empire, 174–175
New World: Isabelline religious reform
and, 42; Spanish agriculture in,
86–88; Inquisition in, 106
Nezahualcoyotl (Texcocan), 23
Nicaragua: Spanish conquest of, 65; in
United Provinces of Central America,
216–218; government in, 217;
Walker in, 218; economy in, 267;
1870–1909, 267; politics in, 267.
See also specific leaders
Niña (ship), 55
Nitrate industry: in Chile, 215, 255; in
Peru, 230; in Bolivia, 255; British
control of, 255–256; nationalization
of, 259
Nitrate Railways Company, 258, 259
Nobility: Aztec, 28; Inca, 34; in Castile,
39; in Spain, 40, 41, 43–44, 49
“Noble savages,” 60, 126
Nóbrega, Manoel da, 125
Nomads, 9
Nombre de Dios, 91, 92
North, John Thomas, 258, 259
North America: gold and slave hunters
in, 69; Coronado in, 70
North American Invasion. See Mexican
Northern Andean region, 137
Northern frontier, 105
Nuclear America, 11, 12–14
Numeration: of Arabs, 20; of Maya, 20
Núñez, Rafael (Colombia), 190, 192,
246, 270–271
Núñez Vela, Blasco, 68

O abolicionismo (Nabuco), 224–225
Oaxaca, 14, 15, 201
Obrajes (workshops): debt servitude in,
82–83; growth of, 90
Observants, in Spain, 42
“Observations on the Treaty of
Guadalupe Hidalgo” (Rejón), 200
O’Callaghan, Joseph F., 39
Ocampo, Melchor, 200, 201
“Of Cannibals” (Montaigne), 58
O’Higgins, Ambrosio, 145
O’Higgins, Bernardo, 167, 169, 212,
213 (illus.)
Oidores (royal agents), 98
Oil industry: in Mexico, 250
Ojeda, Alonso de, 61
O Jornal das Senhoras (Manso de
Noronha), 189
Oligarchies: merchant, 91; underlying
constitutions, 195; in Chile, 212,
213, 260; in Argentina, 252, 254; in
Brazil, 263, 264; in El Salvador, 268
Olivares, count (Spain), 49
Ollantaytambo, 35
Olmec civilization, 14–17; in Formative
period, 13, 14; Maya and, 17
“On Cannibals” (Montaigne), 126
Opata people, 105
Ordinance of Intendants, 145, 146, 156
Orejones (big ears), 31 (illus.), 34
Orellana, Francisco, 71
Organization, social/political, 9–11, 19
Oriente Province. See Cuba
Orinoco River, 56
Orizaba area textile strike, 251
Orozco, José Clemente, 202 (illus.)
Ortelius, Abraham, 58
Ortiz de Domínguez, Josefa, 175
Orton, James, 186
Oruru, 88
Ossertões (Rebellion in the Backlands)
(Cunha), 262–263
Outsiders (forasteros), 142
Ovando, Nicolás de, 77
Oviedo, Gonzalo Fernández de, 71–72,
Owens, Jack, 41

Pachayachachic (god), 35
Pachucuti Inca, 31, 31 (illus.)
Pacific Ocean region, Balboa and, 61
Pact of Zanjón (Cuba), 234
Páez, José Antonio, 165, 166, 237–239
Pagans and paganism: More on, 58;
signs of, 103
Painting: by Maya, 21, 21 (illus.); in
Spain, 50–51. See also specific artists
Palacios Rubios, Juan López de, 77
Palenques, 220, 236
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