A History of Latin America

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Palmares, republic of (fugitive slave
settlement in Brazil), 133
Pampas: in Argentina, 88
Panama, 61; chiefdoms in, 10; Columbus
in, 56; Dávila in, 66; freedom of,
166; in Colombia, 216n. See also
Colombia; New Granada
Panohuayan, 113
Pan o palo policy, 247
Paraguay, 71, 167, 209–211; encomienda
in, 80; independence of, 205; economy
in, 209–211; Brazilian rule of, 211;
labor in, 211; development in, 244. See
also specific leaders
Paraguayan War, 209–211, 225, 244,
Parallel descent: in Inca society, 33
Paraná, 208
Pardo, Manuel, 230
Pardos (free mulattos), 151, 239
Parliamentary Republic (Chile), 260
Parral (silver center), 88
Patagonia, 8
Patriarchal family, 185
Patriarchy, 219
Patriots: Bolívar and, 163; in Caracas,
163; in Argentina, 167; navy of,
168.See also Creoles (American-born
Spaniards); specific leaders
Patrocinio, José de, 227
Patronato (apprenticeship), 184; for
liberated Cuban slaves, 234
Patrón (master), 195
Pauw, Cornelius de, 149
Paz, Octavio, 120
Peace of Basel, 161
Peasants: Aztec, 24, 28; Inca and, 34; in
Spain, 37, 44; in Brazil, 133; 18th-
century revolts by, 152; in Peruvian
revolt of 1780–1781, 154; Hidalgo
and, 172, 173; as peons or serfs,
176; in Mexico, 200, 202–203; in
Colombia, 240, 270; in El Salvador,
268.See also Indigenous peoples
Pecheros (taxpayers), 49
Pedro I (Portugal), 170, 220–221; as
constitutional emperor of Brazil,
Pedro II (Portugal), 221, 224, 261
(illus.), 262
Peixoto, Floriano, 262, 263
Peninsulars, 111; vs. creoles, 111;
Consolidation and, 147; wars of
independence and, 158–161; in
Mexico, 170, 176
Peonage, 141, 176, 181; in Mexico,
196–197, 203; in Paraguay, 209; in
Nicaragua, 267
People’s Republic of China. See China

Peralta Barnuevo, Pedro de, 108
Pereira Passos, Francisco, 263
Pernambuco colony, 124, 126
Pernambuco uprising (Brazil), 221,
Peru, 8, 14, 69; ancient peoples in,
8; agriculture in, 9; pre-Conquest
population of, 12; cultures of, 13,
30; Incas in, 29–35; Balboa and,
61; Spanish conquest of, 66–68;
after conquest, 67–68; Gonzalo
Pizarro revolt in, 68; Aguirre
and, 74; Spanish right to control,
78–79; New Laws in, 79; decline
of native population in, 80; labor
in, 81, 228; mita in, 81; crops in,
87; viceroyalty of, 96; conversion
in, 103; status in, 113; wealthy
indigenous/mestizo nobles, 113;
indigenous local government in, 114,
115; local government structure in,
114; successful commoners in, 114;
convent in, 120–121; separation
of viceroyalty of, 137; revolt in,
153–156; liberation movement and,
163; independence of, 168, 228;
Bolívar in, 168–169; nitrates in,
215, 255; guano exports from, 229;
politics in, 229–231; slavery and
tribute abolished in, 229; leadership
of, 229–230; economy in, 229–231;
Chilean mining and, 255; War of
the Pacific and, 255–256; Tarapacá
ceded to Chile by, 256. See also Inca
civilization; Upper Peru; specific
Petén region (Guatemala), 17–23
Pétion, Alexandre, 160, 220
Philip II (Spain), 48–49; Aguirre and,
74–75; Spanish motives under, 79;
Catholic Church and, 100; Las Casas
and, 102
Philip III (Spain), 104
Philip IV (Spain), 49
Philip V (Spain), 136; reconstruction
under, 136; colonial commerce and,
Philippines: revolt of 1899–1902, 5;
Spanish acquisition of, 61
Philip the Handsome (Burgundy), 47
Pichincha, 166
Piérola, Nicolás de, 230
Piety, 104
Pima people, 105
Pinotl (tribute collector, Mexico), 61,
Pinta (ship), 55
Pinto, Aníbal, 255
Piracy, 92–93

Pisac, 35
Pizarro, Francisco, 54, 66–67, 72
Pizarro, Gonzalo, 68, 71, 74
Pizarro, Hernando, 67
Place-value numeration, 20
Plan of Ayutla (Mexico), 201
Plantation society: in Canaries, 54; in
Brazil, 124–126, 133–134; slave
hunters, Jesuits, and, 125; in Peru,
229; in Cuba, 232–234
Plants, domesticated, 8
Plateresque style, 43
Plebiscite, 256
Pleistocene period, 8
Poetry, of colonial era, 109
Poinsett, Joel Roberts, 199
Política dos governadores (politics of the
governors), 264
Political institutions, of Spanish Empire,
Political organization: of Spanish
American empire, 95–100
Political parties: in new states, 191; in
Venezuela, 238; in Colombia, 241.
See also specific countries and parties
Political reforms, in Spanish America,
Politics of acquisition, 191–192
Poma de Ayala, Felipe Guaman, 98
Pombal, marquis de, 130; reform by,
126, 130; on marriage between
Portuguese men and native women,
Ponce de León, Juan, 69
Popham, Home, 161
Populations: of bands and tribes, 9;
1492, 11–12; Maya, 12, 18; increase
in Classic period, 13; of Teotihuacán,
15, 15 (illus.); Aztec, 24; ruled by
Aztecs, 24; of Brazil, 129; of Spanish
America, 129, 150; in Colombian
highlands, 137; of Buenos Aires,
252, 253; in Venezuela, 269
Porfiriato (dictatorship), 247
Portales, Diego, 212
Portinari, Candido, 179 (illus.)
Ports, 91
Portugal: Brazil and, 6; independence
from Castile, 38, 52; Castile and, 40;
independence from Spain, 49; Henry
the Navigator of, 52; exploration by,
52–53; African slave trade and, 53–
54; Jews expelled from, 54; Madeira
colonies of, 54; Atlantic exploration
by, 54–55; Treaty of Tordesillas and,
56; conversos from, 106; Spanish
annexation of, 106; threat from, 143;
Continental System and, 161; French
invasion of, 169; independence of
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