A History of Latin America

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Brazil and, 169–170; court in Brazil,
170; 1820 revolution in, 170
Portuguese America: colonial Brazil
and, 122–134; indigenous peoples
in, 124–126; Spanish America
compared with, 129
Positivism, 180, 190, 261
Postclassic period, 13, 14; in
Mesoamerica, 22–23; in Peru, 30
Potato, 8, 10
Potosí: silver coins adulterated with
copper in, 89n; slave labor in, 90
(illus.); city of, 117
Potosí silver mines, 88, 89, 143
Pottery: Nazca, 30
Poverty: in Spain, 44–45; and illiteracy,
Power (political): Aztec, 28; in Spain,
Preclassic period. See Formative period
Pre-Conquest cultures: demography of,
11–12; in Mexico, 12, 14–17, 16
(illus.).See also specific cultures
Prehistoric hunters, 7–8
Prejudice.See Racism
Premarital sex, 119
Presidencias (subdivisions), 96
Presidio, 105
Prester John, 52–53
Price revolution, 57
Price support: for coffee, 264
Priest-kings, 10, 13
Priests, 10; in postclassic period, 14; at
Teotihuacán, 15; Maya, 20; Aztec,
28; Inca, 35; in Brazil, 130–131. See
also Clergy; specific orders
Prieto, Joaquín, 212
Principales, 113, 441
Prisoners of war, as Aztec sacrifices, 24
Private property: in Guatemala, 266
Production: on Mexican estates, 139; in
Río de la Plata area, 139
Projectile points, 7
Property: women and, 119–120; as
voting requirement, 195, 213
Prosperity: for creoles, 159; in Buenos
Aires, 208
Protection, of Castilian industry, 42
Protective legislation, 100
Protective tariffs, 270, 271
Protest: by indigenous peoples, 152–
153.See also Resistance; Revolts and
Protomedicato (chief physician), 110
Provincial administration, 98–99
Provincial autonomy, 200
Public domain, 245
Public hearings, for royal officials, 98–99
Public schools. See Education; Schools

Public works, 258–259
Pueblo people, 105
Puerto Rico, 61, 69; chiefdoms in, 10
Pulque, 87
Puma de Ayala, Waman, 112
Puna (plateau), 29
Punishment, Aztec, 27
Puros (Mexico), 199–201
Pyramids of Sun and Moon, 15, 15

Quechua language, 31, 35
Queiroz anti-slave-trade law, 225
Querétaro: Mexican independence and,
Quesada, Gonzalo Jiménez de, 71
Quetzalcoatl and Guadalupe: The Formation
of Mexican National Consciousness
(Lafaye), 149
Quetzalcóatl (god), 15, 22; myth of, 22,
29, 149; Europeans as, 61, 62–64,
Quevedo, Francisco, 50
Quinoa (grain), 10
Quinto tax, 88, 89, 270
Quipu (Inca memory aid), 31
Quiroga, Vasco de, 101
Quiteira de Jesus, María, 175
Quito: indigenous peoples in, 152;
Bolívar and, 166
Quito Insurrection, 153
Quivira, 70

Race: castas and, 5; mixtures of, 110;
under Spanish law, 110, 111;
colonial categories of, 150; notion of
inferiority of, 246. See also Mestizos
(mixed race people); Racism
Race war, in Venezuela, 238, 239
Racial conflict, 183
Racism: European, 58; American, 200;
in Cuba, 233–235
Radicalism: in Brazil, 221
Radical Party (Argentina), 254
Railroads, 181; in Argentina, 211;
in Chile, 214; in Cuba, 232; land
and construction of, 245–246; La-
PazArica, 256; in Venezuela, 269
Rain forests, 57
Ramírez, Ignacio, 201
Ramírez, Susan, 86
Rancheros, 86
Ranching, 85–88
Rank, in chiefdoms, 9–10
Rationalism, of Encyclopedists, 136
Reactionaries, 200
Real del Monte mines: worker struggle
at, 143, 143n
Rebellions.See Revolts and rebellions

Rebouças, André, 227
Recabarren, Luis Emilio, 260
Recife, 126
Reciprocal trade agreements. See Trade
Reconquest (Spain), 38, 43
Redeemer (Quetzalcóatl legend), 22
Reductions, indigenous towns as, 114
Reforma, La (Mexico), 201–204, 245,
Reform Club (Brazil), 225
Reforms: in Spain, 42–43; by clergy,
101–102; of marquis de Pombal,
126, 130; Bourbon, 135–137;
Spanish colonial, 137–138; political,
143–146; after Inca revolt, 156;
in Argentina, 167, 206; adopted
by Spanish Cortes (1820), 175; in
post-independence Mexico, 199; in
Mexico, 204; in Uruguay, 205; in
Peru, 228, 229; in Gran Colombia,
235; electoral (Argentina), 255;
in Chile, 258; in Brazil, 262; in
Guatemala, 266; in Colombia, 271
Refugees, 101
Regency, in Brazil, 222–224
“Regeneration,” 271
Regidores (councilmen), 39, 42, 99
Regional specialization, 138
Regular clergy, 103–104
Regulation: of Indian labor, 68; of
provincial officials, 98–99
Reina, Leticia, 200
Reinóis, 170
Rejón, Manuel, 200, 201
Relaciones (reports), 96
Religion: rise of, 10; rise of state and, 11;
of Maya, 19–21; in Tula, 22; of Inca,
35; in Spain, 36, 36 (illus.), 42–43,
45–46; Spanish Reconquest and, 38;
conquistadors and, 73; in Spanish
colonies, 100–110; in Argentina,
208; in Chile, 213; in Cuba, 235; in
Colombia, 270
Religious orders, 120. See also Clergy;
Missionaries; Missions; specific orders
Religious toleration: in Colombia, 241
Repartimiento de mercancias, 140
Repartimiento (labor system), 81–82; de
mercancías, 146, 153; of draft labor,
Representative democracy. See
Repression.See specific countries
Républica de españoles, 82
Républica de indios, 82
Republican Party (Brazil), 261, 262
Republics.See specific countries
Requirement (Requerimiento), 69n, 77
Reservations: for Araucanians, 258
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