A History of Latin America

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Spinden, H. J., 11
Stagnation (economic), 194–195
States: as social/political level of
organization, 9, 10; compared with
chiefdom, 10; in Brazil, 130–131
Status: of mestizos and mulattos, 150–
151; of 18th-century immigrants,
Stelae, 19, 20
Stern, Steve, 112, 114, 152
Stratified society, 6
Strikes: in Spanish America, 142–143;
in Mexico, 251 (illus.); Rio Blanco
textile workers (Mexico 1909), 251
(illus.); in Chile, 259, 260; in Brazil,
Strongman, 191. See also Caudillo
Subdelegados, 146, 156
Subsistence societies: before Spanish
conquest, 9; of Chibcha and Muisca
chiefdoms (Colombia), 10; of Maya,
Suburbs, Mayan, 18
Sucre, Antonio José de, 166, 205
Sugar industry, 87; in Madeira, 54; black
slave labor for, 83; Cortés, Hernando,
and, 85; in Brazil, 124, 225; Dutch
and, 126; Brazilian slavery and,
133–134; in Cuba, 138, 231–234;
in Peru, 229–230; Ten Years’ War in
Cuba and, 234–235
Sugar mills, 232
“Sugar Trust,” 235
Sun, Moon, and Witches (Silverblatt), 33
Swidden system. See Slash-and-burn
Syllabic writing, of Maya, 20
Syndicalism, 265

Tabasco, 63
Taino people, 12, 56, 60
Tannenbaum, Frank, 219
Tarapacá, Peru, 230
Tarascans, 24
Tariffs: in Mexico, 200; in Argentina,
207; in Colombia, 270, 271
Taxation, 154; in Spain, 44, 45, 48;
under Charles V, 48; of silver, 89;
of trade, 92; in Brazil, 129–130; in
Central America, 217; in Guatemala,
217; on individuals in Colombia, 270
Taylor, William, 121
Technology: in Classic period, 13; in
Postclassic period, 14; in Argentina,
Tecuixpo, 73
Tehuantepec, 24
Temple, of Maya, 21

Temple of the Sun (Inca), 35
Tenant farming, 246; among Aztecs, 24;
in Brazil, 133, 262; in Mexico, 196–
197; in Chile, 215; in Peru, 230
Tenantry, 181, 184
Tenochtitlán, 23, 25; population of, 26;
Cortés and, 27, 64–65; white men in,
61; smallpox in, 69
Ten Years’ War (Cuba), 234–235
Teotihuacán: in Classic period, 13–15;
temples and pyramids at, 14–15, 15
(illus.), 21; civilization of, 14–17, 21
Tepoztlán, 114
Terraced farming, 10, 32
Terrazas, Francisco de, 111, 111n
Terreros, Romero de, 142
Texas: Mexican cession to U.S., 200
Texcocan civilization, 23, 107
Textile industry, 140; strike in Mexico,
251 (illus.); in Brazil, 265
Tezcatlipoca (god), 22
Theocracy, 28
Thomas, Saint, 150
Three Years’ War (Mexico), 203
Tiahuanaco, 14, 30
Tierra del Fuego, 8
Tikal, 17–18
Time of Troubles, 14, 22–23
Tithing: in Brazil, 130; in Chile, 215; in
Venezuela, 269; in Colombia, 270
Tlacopan, 23
Tlaloc (Aztec god), 15
Tlaxcala, 24, 65
Tlaxcalan people, 64, 69
Tobacco: Columbus and, 55; Dutch and,
126; labor for, 142; in Colombia, 270
Todorov, Tzvetan, 60
Toledo, Francisco de, 68, 81, 96, 115
Toledo, Spain, 39, 41
Toltec empire, 18, 22–23, 28
Tools, agricultural, 32
Topa Inca, 31
Topiltzin-Quetzalcóatl, 22
Tordesillas, Treaty of, 56, 122
Toscanelli, Paolo, 55
Totonac people, 64
Town councils, 98, 99
Towns: indigenous, 115; Brazilian
colonial, 133–134. See also Cities
Trade: in Teotihuacán, 17; Aztec, 24, 27;
exploration and, 52; Portuguese, 52–
53; Aztec-Spanish, 62; in making of
Latin America, 84 (illus.); cacao, 89;
time required for, 91; trans-Atlantic,
91; dangers of voyages, 91–92;
protection of, 91–92; piracy and,
92–93; in Brazil, 122, 221, 264; in
Spanish colonies, 137–138; Spanish
free trade policy, 138; class and,

151; peninsular Spaniard control of,
158–161; merchant houses in, 194;
in Mexico, 197; in Paraguay, 205; in
Argentina, 206, 208; in Chile, 214;
in Colombia, 271
Trade monopolies, 193
Trade unions: in Chile, 260; in Brazil, 265
Trading companies, 137
Trans-Atlantic trade, 91
Transportation: Inca roads and, 31;
in Spain, 45; in Paraguay, 209; in
Chile, 258–259; in Venezuela, 269
Travel dangers, in Mexico, 197
Treaties: Chile-Bolivia, 255;
Araucanians and, 258. See also
specific treaties
Tres Zapotes, 14
Trial by jury, 217
Tribes: as level of social organization, 9;
populations of, 9
Tributary towns (Aztec), 29
Tribute, 82; to Aztecs, 25, 29; Inca and,
32, 34; Indian, 68; amount collected
in New Spain, 79; population decline
and, 79–80; in Paraguay, 81; vs.
trade, 83; to Cortés, 85; Spain’s
dependence on, 94; gathering of,
154; in Peru, 228, 229
Tribute labor, 4
Trinidad, 56
Triple Alliance: Aztecs and, 23–24; war,
210; Brazil, Argentina, and Uruguay,
Tristán, Flora, 188
Triumph of Juarez, The (Orozco), 202 (illus.)
Tucumán, congress of, 205
Tula, 22, 23; Toltec from, 18; fall of, 23
Tunja chiefdom, 10
Tupac Amaru (Inca), 67
Tupac Amaru II (José Gabriel
Condorcanqui), 113, 154, 155, 155
Turkish Empire, 48
Tutino, John, 196
Two-party system (Colombia), 241
Typhus, 12

Ulloa, Jorge Juan and Antonio de, 152
Umayyads, 37
Underemployment.See Economy;
Underground railway (Brazil), 227
Unemployment: in Chile, 259
Unification of Spain, 41
Unión Civica (Civic Union), 254
Unión Civica Radical, 254, 255
Unitarianism (Argentina), 195, 206, 208
United Provinces of Central America,
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