Hellenistic Philosophy Introductory

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


cannibalism: 11-1.188; 11-94.121;
III-22.108; III-49.247-248.
canon: 1-1.14; 1-7.29-34; 1-16.43;
1-21.29; l-29.1109e; 1-66; 11-2.41;
11-3.42; 11-105; see also criterion,
Carneades: 1-1.9; 1-15.19, 23; 11-
23.162; 11-84.31-33; 11-100.16,
20; III-3-III-6; III-8; III-9.67;
III-10.78; III-11.98; III-13-III-
15; III-18.159-175; III-19.46;
III-20.98-99, 102; III-26.3; III-
27.220, 230; III-43.140, 182.
categories: 11-45; see also genus
and species, ontology.
cause: 1-4.134; 1-15.23-25; 1-28
1-110; 1-113; 11-3.72; 11-20.132-
133; III-22.90, 97-99; III-
25.170b; III-37.180--186; III-44;
III-45; III-46.68; defined: 11-43;
11-44; III-44.14-16; causal synon-
ymy: 11-23.22, 86; is universal:
11-86; 11-87; 11-90.41; 11-93.11;
and fate: 11-20.149; 11-77-11-80;
11-89; 11-90.41-44; 11-91; see also
chance, necessity.
caution: 11-94.116; Il-114.1037b.
certainty: III-19.46; III-20.403.
chance: 1-4.133-135; 1-S.XVI;
1-110; 1-113; 11-85; 11-87; 11-
106.14; see also cause, necessity.
character (moral): 1-6.15; see also
Charmidas: III-27.220.
children: see family.
choice (and avoidance): 1-6.16;
1-7.30; 11-107.18, 20; criterion of:
1-4.128-129; 1-S.:XXV; 1-7.34;
1-10; 1-11; 1-21.33; 1-25.95; 1-
128; 11-94.99; sceptics': III-
22.108; III-30; III-51.163-166;
differing choices: Il-95.5h,i,o, 6f,
7, 7f, 11f; III-35.55-58, 80, 87;
and ethics: Il-95.5h,i,o, 6f, 7, 7f,
11f; 11-99; III-25.170b; III-

48.183-190; see also pleasure (cal-
culus ot), good, goal (of life), se-
lection, rejection.
Chrysippus: biography: 11-1.179-
185; 11-71; on philosophy: 11-
2.39-40; 11-113; on logic: 11-
1.186--187; 11-3.60, 62, 65, 68,
71, 79; 11-17; 11-76.3-5; 11-83;
III-11.96; III-35.69; on epistemol-
ogy: 11-3.50, 54; 11-8.229-230;
11-9.372; 11-13; 11-18; 11-31; on
physics: 11-20.134, 136, 140, 142,
143, 150, 151; 11-35; 11-36; 11-38;
11-50; 11-54; 11-62; 11-113; on
god: 11-20.134, 138-139, 148; 11-
23.16, 37-39, 160; 11-111; 11-113;
on soul: 11-20.157, 159; 11-66; 11-
118; 11-120; 11-121; on fate:
1-15.20, 21, 23, 38; 11-20.149; 11-
76.3-5; 11-78; 11-81; 11-83; 11-
84.30; 11-86; 11-89; 11-90.39, 41-
44; 11-91 11-92; 11-98.9; on eth-
ics: 11-1.187-189; 11-94.84, 85,
87, 89, 91, 92, 101-103, 111,
120--122, 125, 127-131; Il-
95.6a,e, llg, 12; 11-97; 11-98.9;
11-101; 11-103.67; 11-112; 11-113;
11-115.30; 11-118, 11-120; 11-121.
circular reasoning: one of the five
modes of argument: 111-22.88-
89; III-31. 9; III-32.20; III-
35.115-117; III-36.164, 169, 172,
176; III-37.179, 186; III-39.85,
92, 93; III-40.114; III-44.20--22;
Cleanthes: biography: 11-1.37,
168-175, 179; on philosophy: 11-
2.41; on logic: 11-76.2, 5; on epis-
temology: 11-8.228; 11-9.372; on
physics: 11-20.134, 139, 142; 11-
23.24, 40; on god: 11-20.134, 139;
11-21; 11-22; 11-23.13-15; III-
43.88-91; on soul: 11-20.157; 11-
72; on fate: 11-21; 11-22; 11-76.2,
5; on ethics: 11-21; 11-22; II-
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