Hellenistic Philosophy Introductory

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


94.84, 87, 89, 91, 92, 127, 128;
Il-95.5b8, 6a,e, 11i; 11-111; 11-
clear (facts): 1-2.48, 71-72; 1-3.91,
93, 96; 1-4.123; 1-S.:XXII; 1-7.33;
1-70; 1-71; 11-1.162; III-18.161;
III-20.99; III-22.72; III-31.7-8,
10; 111-39.95; = presentation:
1-68.203; and knowledge: 1-2.82;
1-68.211, 215-216; 11-1.162; and
criteria: 1-2.52, 82; see also ap-
pearance, criterion, presentation,
Clitomachus: III-4.739a,b; Ill-S;
III-10.78; III-13; III-14; III-
20.98, 102; III-26.3; III-27.220,
230; III-34.1; III-43.182.
clothing: 11-1.33.
cloud: 1-3.99-104, 107-108.
Colotes: l-29.1109a, 112lab; III-
colour: 1-2.44 (n. 5), 49, 68-69;
1-27; 1-29; 1-68.206-207, 210; 11-
combinations: III-22.84-85.
comets: 1-3.111; 11-20.152; 11-
commit oneself to: 111-24; 111-
26.15; III-27.226, 232, 233, 236;
III-31.4; III-33.206, 208; III-
35.35; III-42.12.
community: 1-153.
comprehension: 1-2.42, 46, 69; see
also truth, clear (facts), confirma-
tion, criterion, grasp, reason/in-
concept/conception: 1-2.38, 40,
45, 46, 69; 1-4.123; 1-S.:XXIV;
1-7.33; 1-16.43--44; 1-21.31; 1-27;
l-29.1119f; 1-32; 1-105; 11-3.54,
61; 11-4.42; 11-12.1, 4; 11-14; 11-
102.33-34; 11-115.22; 11-121; III-
31.10; and graspable presenta-
tion: 11-3.42, 49, 50, 54; 11-4.42;
formation of: 11-3.52-53; II-

10.58; 11-12.2-3; 11-15; 11-102.33;
of sign: III-40.104, 118-120, 123;
of god: 11-24.2-16; III-42.2-5,
11; III-43.49, 61-74, 138, 163-
165; of cause: III-44.20-28; of
good and bad: III-48.169-178;
see also outline (definition).
condition: 11-20.139, 148; 11-25;
11-26; 11-50; 11-51; 11-94.98; Il-
95.5f,k,l; see also disposition.
conditional propositions: 11-3.69,
71, 73-74; III-40.110-115; III-
41.137-139, 145-149, 152, 153,
157, 159.
confidence (of good things):
1-6.17, 33, 34; 1-19.41; 1-26.66;
1-36; 1-39; 1-61; 1-132; Il-
95.5b,b2,g; see also security, dis-
turbance (freedom from), plea-
sure, fear.
confirmation: awaiting confirma-
tion: 1-2.38; 1-S.:XXIV; 1-7.34; in
scepticism: III-35.117; III-36.165,
169, 171-172, 174; III-39.96; III-
40.114-133; III-44.22; see also
non-evident (facts), opinion, crite-
rion, clear (facts).
conflagration: 11-20.134, 137, 157;
11-23.118; 11-61; 11-62; 11-65.
congenial/uncongenial: 1-2.53; 1-
4.124, 129; 1-S.VII; 1-7.34; 1-12;
1-129; 11-94.85; 11-102.16-18; 11-
103.62-63; Il-114.1038bc; III-
35.65-66; see also pleasure, pain,
cradle argument.
constellations: see astronomy.
contemplation: l-8.120a.
convention: l-29.1110e; 11-24.9;
III-22.61, 83, 108; III-25.170b;
III-26.17, 23-24; III-35.145-163;
cosmopolitanism: 11-23.78, 154;
11-61; 11-99; 11-103.64; 11-109.12.
cosmos: 1-3.88; 1-91; 11-99; III-
25.170b; III-47.136, 145; forma-
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