Hellenistic Philosophy Introductory

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


37.178; III-38.49-51; III-39.95-
96; III-42.9, 11; basic grasp: III-
27.211, 225; III-43.51, 61; III-
51.166; graspable presentation:
III-22.95; III-25.170a; III-
49.241-242; and criterion: III-
18.164; III-22.91, 95; III-32.15;
see also knowledge.

hail: 1-3.106; 11-20.153; indicates
god: 11-23.14.
happiness: 1-4.122, 127; 1-6.33;
1-8.118, 12la; 1-10; 1-16.53; 1-24;
1-55; 1-159; 11-101; 11-110.4, 6, 7,
15; 11-115.30; 11-116.61; III-
18.158, 166, 184; III-25.169b,
170b; III-48.172; III-51.160-161;
and virtue: 11-94.88, 127-128; ll-
95.6c-7a, 8a, llg; 11-97; 11-
102.26, 28; 11-109.11; 11-111; of
god: 11-20.147; 11-23.21; 11-111;
see also blessedness.
health: 1-4.128; 1-6.54, 64:
l-8.120b; 11-94.102, 106-107,
109; ll-95.5a, 7a-f, 11r; 11-
116.62-63; see also disease, phi-
hearing: 1-2.52; 1-68.208; 11-
20.158; 11-23.83, 146; 11-73; 11-
75; 111-38.52, 55; see also sense-
heat: 1-2.63; 11-23.23-29, 39-42;
see also fire.
heaven/heavenly bodies: 11-
20.138; 11-23.4--5, 15-17, 42-44,
118, 155; 11-24.6-11; see also as-
Hecaton: 11-1.2; 11-94.87, 90, 91,
101-103, 110, 124, 125, 127.
Hegesinus: III-4.737b.
Heraclitus: 1-17; 11-61; 11-90.39;
III-22.73; III-27.210-212; III-
38.59, 63.
Herillus: 11-1.137, 165.
Hermogenes: 1-103.16.

heroes: 11-20.151; see also daimon.
hexis: see condition.
Hieronymus: 11-100.120; III-1.42.
honourable: 1-4.132; I-5.V; 1-29;
1-149; 11-94.100-101; 11-99; 11-
101; 11-102.21-22, 26-29; 11-109;
11-110.4; III-22.61, 83; III-26.27;
see also virtue, good.
hypothesis: 111-34.13; as one of
the five modes: III-22.88-89, 91;
III-32.20; III-34.1-3; III-36.164,
168, 173-174, 177; III-37.186.

ice: 1-3.109.
ideas (conflicting): III-26.8, 29,
32, 33.
ignorance: see knowledge, opinion.
images: 1-2.46-50; l-29.112la-b;
1-68.209; 1-77-1-79; of gods:
1-5.1 (n.l9); 1-6.24; 1-16.49; 1-17;
1-18; 1-105.
impression: 11-3.45-46, 50, 61; 11-
4.42; 11-8.228-233, 236; 11-
9.372-373; 11-49; see also presen-
imprint: 1-34.
imprudence: see prudence.
impulse: 11-20.159; 11-23.58; 11-25;
11-73; 11-107.13, 21; III-12.1122c;
and assent: 11-90.40-42; 11-95.9-
10; 11-119; III-12.1122b; III-13;
and belief: 11-5.24--25; III-
12.1122cd; and action: 11-5.24--
25; 11-27; 11-117; III-12.1122b-d;
III-13; in ethics: 11-94.84--86,
104; ll-95.5b2,b5,b13,c,o, 7,
7a,c,e, 9-10, 11f; 11-102.17, 23;
11-107.13, 21; ll-114.1037b; 11-
117; forms of: ll-95.9-9b.
inaction (criticism of scepti-
cism): III-12.1122a,b; III-13;
III-20.99, 104; III-22.62, 104,
107; III-27.226; III-30; III-
inconspicuous (on being): 1-38.
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