Hellenistic Philosophy Introductory

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


able?: 1-17.70; III-7.42; III-
18.159-162; III-22.62; III-24;
III-25.170b; III-32.16; III-38.48-
56, 63-69, 72-75; of god?: III-
43.138-141; see also presentation,
clear (facts), criterion, vision,
hearing, smell, taste, soul.
servants: 1-1.10; 1-8.118.
sex: 1-4.132; 1-6.18; 1-8.118, 119;
1-25.94; 1-37; 11-1.34, 188; 11-
23.128; 11-94.113, 129-131; ll-
95.5b9, 10b,c, lls; III-22.83; III-
35.146; III-48.180, 183, 195-196;
Sextus Empiricus: III-23.116.
shape: 1-2.49, 55, 68-69;
l-29.112lc; 1-68.206, 208-209;
1-98; see also atoms, cosmos.
sign: 1-2.38; 1-75; 11-11.275-276;
III-22.90, 96-97; III-25.170b;
III-35.138; III-37.179; III-40.97-
133; III-41.134.
signifier/signified: see thing said
situations: III-22.85; III-35.118-
size: 1-2.68-69; 1-3.91; see also
skill: see craft.
sky: 1-92.2.
sleep: 1-2.66 (n.7); 11-20.158; see
also dreams.
smell: 1-2.53; 11-13.1; 11-23.146;
11-73; 11-75; III-38.52, 56; see
also sense-perception.
snow: 1-3.107-108; 11-20.153; 11-
society: 11-94.123; 11-103.62-63;
see also politics.
Socrates: 11-1.2, 32, 165; 11-3.53, 61,
63; 11-23.18; 11-31; 11-84.30; 11-
94.91; III-16; III-18.178; III-19.44,
45; III-27.221; III-43.64, 110.
soothsayers: see divination.

sorites argument: III-43.182-183;
soul: 1-2.63-67; 1-2.66 (n.7); 1-33;
1-94; 1-95; 1-104; 1-141; 11-8.234;
11-20.133, 143, 156, 157; 11-25;
11-26; 11-64-11-75; 11-94.110,
115; ll-95.5b4,b7,e,f, 7a,b, 9, 10;
11-107.10, 12; 11-117-11-121; III-
12.1122b-d; III-38.70, 71, 74;
111-48.186-187; see death, sense-
sound: see hearing.
space: 1-2.40; 1-16.54; 1-78; 1-80;
11-37; 11-38; III-46.77; III-47.121,
124, 130; see also void, place.
species: see genus and species.
speech: 11-3.56-57; 11-23.83; 11-73;
see also language.
Sphaerus: 11-1.37, 177; 11-20.159.
stars: 1-3.88.
state: ll-95.5k; III-25.170b; III-
26.13, 15, 17, 19,23-24,220,
230; III-33.197, 200-203; III-
35.100-103; moderate states: 111-
26.25; III-51.161; as guides: III-
statues: I-5.XXIX (n.20); l-8.12lb.
Stilpo: 1-53; 11-1.2, 24; III-22.61;
Strato of Lampsacus: 1-74; 111-
style: 11-3.59; see also rhetoric.
substance: 11-16; 11-20.134, 137,
150; 11-54; 11-55; 11-57; 11-60; ll-
95.5a; 111-31.5; see also matter.
suicide: 1-4.126-127; 1-6.38; 11-
94.130; ll-95.11m; see also death.
sun: 1-3.90-93, 96-98; 11-20.144-
146; 11-62; III-22.85-87; III-
35.141; see also heavens, as-
superiority argument (for god):
11-23.16, 18, 21, 22, 76-77; see
also god.
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