An Introduction to America’s Music

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Chickering Piano Manufacturer, 146
Chiffons, the, 538
Child, Francis James, 162c, 216
Child ballads, 216, 217, 219–21, 349, 355
Children in the Wood, The (Morton and
Arnold), 59
“Children in the Woods” (ballad), 45
China (hymn tune), 83
“Chinaman, Laundryman”
(Craw ford), 313–16
“chitlin’ circuit,” 423
Chocolate Soldier, The (Straus), 234
choirs, church, 32, 34, 119, 123, 165
Chopin, Frédéric, 125, 193, 322, 500
chord changes, 379
in blues, 329
in jazz, 287
in popular songs, 276
in War Dance, 516
Christ Church (Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania), 53
Christian Harmony, The (Ingalls), 71
Christianity. See Protestants; Roman
Catholics; specifi c sects and
Christian Lyre, The (Leavitt), 80
Christy, Edwin P. “Ned,” 142 , 142–43, 145
Christy’s Minstrels, 142 , 142–45
Chronic, The (Dr. Dre), 543
Chuck D, 512, 543, 547
Church of England. See Anglican
(Episcopal) Church
Church of God in Christ, 338
Ciccone, Madonna Louise, 505–6
Cincinnati, Ohio, 133
Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra, 306
Circle Jerks, the, 508
Circus Band, The (Ives), 197
circuses, 170, 197
City, The (fi lm), 367
Civil Rights Act (1964), 431, 440
civil rights movement, 400, 430–32,
434, 437, 439, 440
Civil War, 156–60, 224–25
brass bands in, 116, 164, 165
and Native American culture,
206, 207
songs of, 156–60
Clapton, Eric, 469, 521
“Clara, Clara” (Gershwin), 323
Clari, or the Maid of Milan (Bishop), 60
in bands, 115, 168
in dance bands and orchestras, 299
in jazz, 287–89, 322, 409
in Rhapsody in Blue, 319
in western swing, 347
Clarke, Kenny, 450
Clash, the, 473
classical music; see also chamber
music; composers, American;
opera; orchestral music
avant-garde, 392–96
band arrangements of, 167

jazz and, 400, 449, 450
jazz as form of, 532
nineteenth-century perfor-
mances of, 118–19, 185–89, 196
rock and, 551
in 1970s, 487–92
in 1990s–2000s, 550–53
star performers of, 306–8
as term of elitism, 106
and Third Stream, 406
twentieth-century modernism,
280–86, 306, 308, 309, 397
twentieth-century performances
of, 232–33, 282, 305–8,
324–25, 388–96, 446
classical sphere, 110, 530, 556
classic American popular song, 274
classic blues, 261–62
Clay, Henry, 150, 153
Clayton, Buck, 380
Clef Club (booking agency), 249
Cleveland, Mississippi, 257
Cleveland, Ohio, 424
Cline, Patsy, 457
Clinton, George, 478, 543
Clones of Dr. Funkenstein (Parliament), 478
club mixes, 481
“Coal Miner’s Daughter” (Lynn), 475
Coasters, the, 452
“Coat of Many Colors” (Parton), 475 ,
Cobain, Kurt, 537
Cobham, Billy, 484
coda, 180
Cody, William “Buffalo Bill,” 210
Coen brothers, 540
Cohan, George M., 232
“Cold, Cold Heart” (Williams), 419
Cold War, 388, 431, 436
Cole, Nat “King,” 441, 457
Coleman, Ornette, 406, 443, 482
Collection of Spiritual Songs and Hymns,
A (Allen), 18c, 92
collective improvisation, 287–89, 292–93
“College Hornpipe” (dance tune), 49–50
College of the Holy Cross, 552
college rock, 506, 508
colleges, black, 227
collegium musicum, 41
Collins, Allen, 469
Collins, Bootsy, 478
Colón, Santito, 403, 404
colonial music making, 12–41
missionaries, 20–22, 24, 96, 97
theology, 80
Colored Waif’s Home (New Orleans),
Colson, David, 448
Coltrane, Alice, 445
Coltrane, John, 281, 443–45, 445 , 450,
472, 482
Colucci, Tony, 277
Columbia Broadcasting System
(CBS), 266
Columbian Harmony, 72–73

Columbia Phonograph Company, 172
Columbia-Princeton Electronic Music
Center (New York), 392
Columbia Records, 413
Columbia University (New York), 163c,
192, 392
Columbine High School shootings, 537
Columbus, Christopher, 20
Combs, Sean “Puff Daddy,” 544
Come Out (Reich), 449, 450, 552
“Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing,”
199, 201
comic operas, 59
commodifi cation, 264, 536
common meter, 28
communism, 313, 388
Como, Perry, 403, 427
compact disc (CD), 504
Company (Sondheim and Prince), 486
composers, American; see also specifi c
in academia, 192, 286, 389–91, 446
African American, 92, 238–45,
257–58, 299–303, 324–25,
338–41, 400, 533–35
of band music, 166–70
copyright laws and, 145
divisions between contemporary
and earlier, 551–52
early, 45, 53, 108–10
of hymns, 71, 76–78, 83–84,
of jazz, 291, 299–303, 400
Moravian, 39–42
of musicals, 275–79, 372–73,
406–7, 410
nineteenth-century classical,
124–30, 185–96
of opera, 126, 232–33, 241–42,
309–10, 323–24, 391, 490
of parlor songs, 147–51
of popular songs, 107, 176, 178–82,
242–44, 414
profession of, 389–90
of psalmody, 30–35, 64–67, 107
royalties for, 233
twentieth-century classical,
196–203, 280–86, 306–30,
388–96, 446
women, 187–89, 339–41
Composers’ Collective, 317
composers’ ensembles, 451, 490
“composers’ music,” vs. “perform-
ers’ music,” 108–10, 128, 181,
184–85, 197, 389–90
Composition for Four Instruments
(Babbitt), 391
Composition for Synthesizer (Babbitt), 392
compound A A BA form, 464–66, 479
computers, 551; see also electronic
concept albums, 414–15
concert hall, 388–91
“Concerto for Cootie” (Ellington), 301
Concerto in Slendro (Harrison), 491

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