Algebra 1 Common Core Student Edition, Grade 8-9

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Tell w hether each table represents a direct variation or an inverse variation
Write an equation to model the data. Then complete the table.

on *—

Mi ♦ f
10 4 0.4 28 1.6^30

(^20) ■J |1.2 84 4.8^10
(^8) 3.2 m 63 H^96
(222) 46. Physics Boyle’s Law states th a t volum e Vvaries inversely w ith pressure P for any
gas at a co n stan t tem p eratu re in an enclosed space. Suppose a gas at co n stan t
tem p eratu re occupies 15.3 L at a pressure of 40 m m of m ercury. W hat equ atio n
m odels this situation?

  1. Error Analysis W hen graphing a certain function, Pedro sees th a t th e value of y
    decreases by 2 w henever th e value of x increases by 1. Pedro says th a t th e graph
    represents an inverse variation. Is he correct? Explain.
    f t Challenge 48. Write an equation to model each situation.
    a. y varies inversely with th e fourth pow er of x.
    b. y varies inversely w ith th e fourth pow er of x a n d d i r e c t ly w i t h z.

  2. Physics The intensity of a so u n d s varies inversely w ith th e square of the distance
    d from th e sound. This can be m od eled by th e eq u a tio n sd2 = k, w here k is a
    constant. If you decrease your d istance from th e source of a so und by half, by w hat
    factor will th e intensity of th e so u n d increase? Explain your reasoning.


St a n d a r d i ze d Test Pr ep

  1. W hat is th e value of -


(64)“ —

  1. The diagram shows two squares. The area of th e n o n sh a d e d region
    is 4x2 + 16x + 16. The area of th e sh ad ed region is 5x2 + 14x + 9.
    W hat is |a + b|?

  2. W hat is th e value of - -*-----------a + b x------------►

a + bx

Mixed Review

Solve each equation. If there is no solution, write no solution.

53.^2 _^3 54. =± + 1 = 1
d + 5 d — 5

Get Ready! To p r e p a r e f o r Lesso n 11 -7, do Exercises 56-59.
Graph each function.

  1. /(x ) = x - 8 57. g(x) = x2 + 3 58. y = 3X

See Lesson 11-5.

  1. r r ^ + 2 = : m — 4 m - 45m

4* See Lessons 4-4,7-6, and 9-1.

  1. / (x ) = 2x + 1

704 Chapter 11 Rat io nal Expressions and Funct ions

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