68 Kindergarten | Unit 2 Assessment and Remediation Guide
Lesson Template
Phonological Awareness: Phonemes (Two or Three)
Phonemes (Two or
Three) Teaching Materials
Note: This Warm-
Up is a variation of
the Name Blending
Unit 2 Pausing Point
under Blend Two
or Three Sounds to
Form a Word
Objective: Prompt student attention to speech segments (at the
phoneme level).
Exercise: Play Do You Know? Select several common names having
two phonemes, three phonemes, or a mix of both (see Word Lists for
suggestions and add in two- and three- phoneme names, e.g., student
names and other known names.) Start with two-phoneme names and
add in three-phoneme names as students demonstrate mastery with
two phonemes.
Tell students you will say, “Do you know...” followed by a name broken
into sounds. For example, “Do you know /s/ /oo/?” (Sue).
Encourage students to use a blending motion to help them blend the
phonemes. (See Blending Motions for Two to Four Phoneme Words for
Remind students not to shout out the answer. Instead, if they know
someone with that name, show it with a thumbs-up. If they do not know
someone with that name, show it with a thumbs-down.
Students with thumbs-up can take turns saying who they know (e.g.,
Sue is in our class, I have an Aunt Sue, Sue is Ms. Marble’s first name,
Continue with another name.
Names List
Explicit Instruction
Objective: State the purpose for listening and model the desired
Learning about Phonemes: Tell students you will say words broken into
sounds (see Word Lists for suggestions) and the purpose for listening
is to blend those sounds together to make a word. Identify the blending
motion you want students to use (see Blending Motions for Two to Four
Phoneme Words for suggestions). Say samples and model blending the
sounds you hear using the desired blending motion. Complete most
of the sample items correctly, but also include some incorrect items to
address common mistakes.
Word Lists
Guided Practice
Objective: Provide students an engaging opportunity to develop syllable
skills with decreasing support as their skills strengthen.
Working with Phonemes: Say the selected words broken into phonemes
for students. Students use the blending motion previously modeled by
the teacher to blend the sounds to make a word.
Application of Skills: Select Worksheets, Games, and Poems/Songs/
Nursery Rhymes activities allowing students to apply phoneme skills.
Word Lists
Worksheet per
student, Game
and/or P/S/NR