The Cure for All Cancers

(pavlina) #1


It is impossible for me to have tested
every batch of every food and product,
but so many test positive you simply
can not risk any of the foods and
products on the list.
Tear out the benzene list, put it on
your refrigerator, and make a copy to
stick on your medicine cabinet.
Learn to use the Syncrometer to do
your own testing. While you are learn-
ing, observe the rules perfectly. There is
no halfway measure with benzene.
Stop using benzene-polluted prod-
ucts as soon as you read this. This includes health brands!
Don't wait until you have low immunity. If you can't believe
this extensive pollution with benzene and wish to have this
verified by our government agencies first, set the items aside.
Use other products while you are waiting!
You could also check your benzene consumption by doing a
urinary phenol test (request one from your clinical doctor, see
Sources). Choose the test that is meant to identify chronic ben-
zene exposure, not acute. The normal range will be included
with your test results. If yours is high, let this galvanize you
into action.

Make your own replacements from our
The body rids itself of benzene in three to five days after
stopping the use of polluted products.

Fig. 65 Pollutants are
in unlikely places
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