sure not to add store bought flavors, except vanilla or maple.
For lemon flavoring use grated lemon rind. (Buy unsprayed
lemons only.)
5 Minute Ice Cream
(Strawberry) Use 2 half pints of heavy whipping cream
(boiled, chilled, and vitamin C-ed), 1 package of frozen straw-
berries (about 10 oz.), and 1/2 cup clover honey. Pour frozen
strawberries into blender. Pour whipping cream and honey over
them. Blend briefly (about 10 seconds), not long enough to
make butter! Pour it all into a large plastic bowl. Cover with a
close fitting plastic bag and place in freezer. Prepare it a day
ahead. Try using other frozen fruits, such as blueberries and
cherries. Keep a few berries out of the blender and stir them in
quickly with a non-metal spoon before setting the bowl in the
freezer. There are many ice cream recipes to be found in old
cook books. Avoid those with processed foods as ingredients.
You may add nuts if you rinse them in vitamin C water.
Cookies, cakes and pies
Bake them from scratch, using unprocessed ingredients. Use
simple recipes from old cook books.
Seven Day Sample Menu
Because processed foods have many toxins, you must cook
as much from scratch as possible. So for convenience sake,
keep your meals simple in preparation. You may want to pre-
pare ahead and refrigerate your dressings and toppings. Or you