The RBC level can rise to normal or drop to normal in five
days, after removing cobalt and vanadium! We have been
trained to believe that it moves very slowly, taking months to
achieve a significant change. This is true when iron is being
supplemented to force a rise in RBC level. When so many toxic
forces are acting, the RBC level can only move very slowly. But
when toxins and parasites are removed the RBC moves toward
normal very swiftly.
When hydroxyurea and carcinogenic azo dyes are no longer
bathing the bone marrow (after the parasite treatment and dental
cleanup) an “anemia of long-standing” or “anemia of chronic
disease” or “anemia of unknown origin”, (such as an RBC of
3.4) frequently rises 0.5 units in five days! These “anemia” la-
bels are given to indicate “mysterious” diseases but are simply
caused by toxicities.
If the RBC falls below 3.0 a transfusion must be obtained
promptly (the same day). Some hematologists focus on the he-
moglobin level rather than the RBC to assess the need for trans-
fusion. This might result in waiting too long. I recommend giv-
ing transfusions a bit too early rather than a bit too late.
When the RBC or hemoglobin drops too low, not enough
oxygen is delivered to your tissues. If not enough oxygen
reaches the heart, it can be permanently damaged. Heart failure
is not far away. It is best to get two units of blood together and
raise the RBC to a comfortable level for your body, rather than
to skimp along on one unit received more often. To heal, your
body needs lots of oxygen, not a survival amount. Use your
transfusion time wisely; it is “borrowed”. Hurry to clear para-
sites, bacteria, artificial teeth, and environmental toxins out of
your body. You may request erythropoietin from your clinical
physician to help build blood temporarily.
If your religion does not allow you to accept a blood trans-
fusion, find a hospital that has experience with your circum-
stances—the Chamber of Commerce is always willing to help.
If your bone marrow has been killed by radiation, a transplant
may be necessary. Often your own marrow can still grow back
if you make every effort.