+360-Questions-and-Answers-For-PMBOK-Guide-SIXTH -Edition

(khatib.arch2) #1
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The receiver is responsible for ensuring that the information is received in its entirety, understood
correctly, and acknowledged or responded toappropriately.

Listening is an important part of communication.

Listening techniques, both active and passive, give the user insight to problem areas, negotiation and
conflict management strategies, decision making, and problemresolution.

171 .Answer:D.

PMBOK®Guide,pages 369 - 370 ,Section 10. 1. 2. 2


Analysis of communication requirements determines the information needs of the project
stakeholders.Theserequirements aredefinedby combining thetype andformatofinformation

Sourcesofinformationtypicallyusedtoidentifyanddefine projectcommunicationrequirements

o Stakeholder information and communication requirements from within the stakeholder register
and stakeholder engagement plan;
o Number of potential communication channels or paths, including one-to-one, one-to-may, and
o Organizationalcharts;
o Project organization and stakeholder responsibilities, relationships, andinterdependencies;
o Developmentapproach;
o Disciplines, departments, and specialties involved in theproject;
o Logistics of how many persons will be involved with the project and at whichlocations;
o Internal information needs (e.g., when communicating withinorganizations);
o External information needs (e.g., when communicating with the media, public, or contractors);
and Legalrequirements.

  1. Answer: C.

PMBOK®Guide,pages 359 - 362 ,Introduction


o Communications activities have many dimensions, including but not limited to thefollowing:
o Internal. Focus on stakeholders within the project and within theorganization.
o External. Focus on external stakeholders such as customers, vendors, other projects,
organizations, government, the public, and environmentaladvocates.
o Formal. Reports, formal meetings (both regular and ad hoc), meeting agendas and minutes,
stakeholder briefings, andpresentation.
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