organizational leaders
priorities for, 13–17
See also leaders
organizational politics, 32–34
organizational structure, 151–152, 163
organizations, use of multiteaming
in, 1–17
Paine, Lynn S., 165–192
Paytm, 122
Pearson, Michael, 194
Peltz, Nelson, 180
Pence, Mike, 53
people analytics, 38–45
people interactions, 137. See also
corporate culture
and culture, 145–149
false perceptions about, 27–29
and management practices, 25–26
monitoring, 22
performance- based compensation,
175, 181–182
performance reviews, bias in, 43, 44
Pershing Square Capital Manage-
ment, 193–197
Petriglieri, Gianpiero, 109–116
P fi zer, 77
pilot projects, for AI, 78–81. See also
artifi cial intelligence (AI)
Plank, Kevin, 54–55, 56
“poison pills,” 175–176
political issues, 47, 48, 49, 58
Polman, Paul, 50
Porter, Michael E., 19, 85–108
Price, Jesse, 133–164
Price, Roy, 216
process automation, 68–71, 75, 78,
process improvements, from multi-
teaming, 7
product demonstrations, 97
product development, and
augmented reality, 95–96.
See also augmented reality
product diff erentiation, 99–100
growth, 20
of independent contractors,
public company shares, 170–172
purpose, for freelancers, 114–115
purpose cultural style, 138, 142
Pyott, David, 193–197
qualitative analysis, 43–44
quid pro quo harassment, 217–218.
See also sexual harassment
racial discrimination, 37–45, 131
Reality Editor, 92–93
Red Ventures, 40–41, 43
regional culture, 160
Religious Freedom Restoration Act
(RFRA), 50, 52–57
Republicans, responses to CEO
activism by, 58, 59
resource allocation, 178–180
resource utilization, and multi-
teaming, 7
results cultural style, 138, 139, 142,
144, 148
returns to scale, 126–127, 128
revenue growth, 201
robotic process automation (RPA),
68–71, 75, 78, 105
Rogers, Jim, 50
Ronanki, Rajeev, 67–84
Rose, Charlie, 217. See also sexual