
([email protected]) #1

His lie isn’t an act against you. It’s a part of
human nature. It’s a human flaw. It’s a flaw that he
has. It’s not about you. It’s about him being caught
up in himself in the moment. Can we as individuals
help create environments that are more honest?
Absolutely. If you’re going to demand honesty, then
you must give honesty. If you want openness, you
must be willing to be open. You can’t be telling lies
and then be mad at him for telling you lies as a
result. Your actions set the stage for you to get back
exactly what you’re putting out.

As a woman, I truly believe you possess an
intuition so strong that you can pick up on the
smallest detail out of place in a man’s story,
behavior, etc. You can immediately tell when
something is off. Men aren’t the best liars. I honestly
haven’t ever felt like men ever play women. Women
play themselves. Mainly because women ignore their
intuition when it warns them that the man is on BS.
They ignore the things that they see and the signs
that they feel, without digging deeper to find out
the truth.

When a man deflects when you do try to dig
deeper, it’s a clear sign that he’s lying to you about


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