
([email protected]) #1

continue acting as he is used to acting with you.
Again, this course of action is not going to work in
your favor. Ever.

He’ll have no reason to change. He’ll have no
reason to put in the hard work because even if it’s a
genuine issue that may include exploring some
hurtful things from his past, that’s difficult for most
people to do. So, if he can avoid it, he’s going to
avoid it at all costs. Continuing to give him
everything he wants and desires without him having
to own up to or do anything on his part, is enabling
him to keep taking advantage of the imbalance. The
relationship will be lopsided, damaging, and draining
for you.

You can support him and show him love as his
friend. Friendship is the only acceptable dynamic
left here. Even then I would still question, “Is he
really the person you need to be supporting or not?”
It goes back to whether there’s a true connection
there? Is he really being genuine about his position?
Again, if he’s genuine, he’s going to show some
effort. No effort means you should scratch the
friendship. You don’t even need to be his friend at
that point. I was trying to give you an alternative

HE SAYS He Loves You, but He Doesn’t Show It 57

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