Parenting With Love and Logic: Teaching Children Responsibility

(lu) #1


The Brain   Drain

Children are going to fight the choices we give them. Rare are the
kids who will always choose one of the given choices and happily go
on with life. Sometimes they’ll fight with a vengeance.
One of children’s favorite ploys is “Brain Drain.” In “Brain
Drain,” they attempt to make us do the thinking, thus draining
our brains of energy. Guilt, indecision, telling us we don’t love
them — they’ll lay anything on us that comes to mind with
words such as, “That’s not fair,” and “You don’t love me.”
Every time they do this, we are forced to drain our energy tank
in supplying justification for the choices we give them.
However, if anyone is going to drain anyone’s brain, let it be us
draining our children’s brain. We do this by holding firm to our
choices. Observe the following scenario:

NICK:   “Hey,   Dad,    bye.    I’ll    see ya. I’m going   outside with
DAD: “Hold on, Nick, I think you promised you’d have the
garage swept by this morning before you did anything else.”
NICK: “But I don’t have time right now, Dad.”
DAD: “That may be so, son, and feel free to go as soon as you
sweep the garage.”
NICK: “Aw, c’mon. I promised my friends I’d go.”
DAD: “I’m sure that’s true, Nick, and feel free to go as soon as
you sweep the garage.”
NICK: “I’ll do it when I get back. Mason does his chores after
he plays.”
DAD: ‘‘I’m sure that’s true, Nick, and feel free to go as soon as
you sweep the garage.”
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