Crucial Conversations: Tools for Talking When Stakes Are High

(ff) #1


laTHAM: That's what I want, too. It just seems like we get
those feelings in different ways.
(Notice how lotham is leaving the game behind and joining
the dialogue. Safety-specifically Mutual Purpose-is making
this possible.)

YVONNE: [Recognize the purpose behind the strategy] Maybe
not. What makes you feel loved and appreciated?
laTHAM: Making love with you when you really want to
makes me feel loved and appreciated. And you?
YVONNE: When you do thoughtful things for me. And, I
guess, when you hold me-but not always sexually.
laTHAM: You mean, if we're just cuddling that makes you
feel loved?
YVONNE: Ye s. And sometimes-I guess when I think
you're doing it because you love me-sex does that for
me, too.
JOTHAM: [Invent a Mutual Purpose] So we need to find
ways to be together that make both of us feel loved and
appreciated. Is that what we're looking for here?
YVONNE: Yes. I really want that, too.
laTHAM: [Brainstorm new strategies] Well, what if we ...


Reading a complicated interaction like this one might lead to two
reactions. First, you might think, "Wow, these ideas could actu­
ally work!" And at the same time, you could be thinking, "But
there's no way I could think that clearly in the middle of that
kind of delicate conversation!"

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