How to Write a Business Plan

(Elle) #1
INDEx | 267

opening inventory, 124
retail business description and, 29
taking a physical inventory, 120
tax returns and spotting employee theft,
turnover of, 136, 137
Investors, 119, 159–160, 177–178, 198–199.
See also Financing; Selling your business
IRS worker classification, 114
ISP (Internet Service Provider), choosing
a, 206–207

Job descriptions, 2, 153, 159

Landlords, 6, 58
Laundries, 23
Leasehold improvements, 111, 124
Leasing, 6, 110–112, 114, 124, 165, 200
Leasing companies, 69
Legal form of business, 56–58, 190–191,
Legal matters, books on, 201–202
Lenders. See Financing; Loans
Liabilities, 90–93
Liability insurance, 114
Licenses, 118, 123, 124, 212
Life insurance, 86, 93
Likes and dislikes evaluation, 15–16
Limited Liability Companies (LLCs), 57,
194, 201
Limited Liability Partnerships (LLPs), 57
Limited partnerships, 9, 181
Liquidation sale, 190
Living expense deferral, 60–61

Living expenses, calculating annual, 97–99
LLCs (Limited Liability Companies), 57,
194, 201
LLPs (Limited Liability Partnerships), 57
Loan-gift hybrids, 62
Loan interest calculator, 116
balloon payment (interest-only), 52, 65,
collateral, 53, 64, 65, 93, 177
cosigned, 52
equity investments compared to, 58–59
as expense, 40, 93, 97, 133
from friends, relatives, colleagues, 62–63
fully amortized, 52
interest on, 115–117, 133
legal details of, 179
loan-gift hybrids, 62
note and loan agreement, 51
online interest calculator, 116
overview on, 51
personal guarantee requirements, 58
prepayment penalties, 51
promissory notes for, 180
secured, 53
unsecured/signature, 54
Loans owed to you, 86, 90, 94
Local loan assistance programs, 74, 196
Local trends, 34
Local zoning laws, 110
Location of business, 28–29, 200
Logos, 165
Losses, 128

Machine shops, 23
Macintosh computers, 205–206
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