Enzymes are proteins found in food (but
mostly manufactured by your own body) that
facilitate chemical reactions. These enzymes
—and good mealtime habits, like the kind we
describe in our meal-planning template—are
critical for proper digestion.
Ideally, you’d all be eating whole,
unprocessed foods, taking time to chew your
food thoroughly to make it easier for your
small intestine to absorb the nutrients.
However, processing, cooking, gulping down
meals, and drinking fluids while eating reduce
the number of enzymes that make their way
into the digestive tract—and may make it hard
for your body to actually “use” (digest and
absorb) the nutrients in the food you are
Broad-spectrum digestive enzymes
containing HCl and pepsin help your body
break down fats, carbohydrates, and protein
and maximize the amount of nutrition you are
able to absorb. We like NOW Foods Super