The Triumphant Church

(Frankie) #1
The Triumphant Church

Jesus went on to explain that the rulers of the
darkness of this world are actually the most intelligent
type of evil spirit believers have to deal with.
Jesus explained, "It is always one of these rulers of
the darkness of this world that possesses a person. Also,
the rulers of the darkness of this world rule over the
other spirits and tell them what to do.
"For example, they rule over powers and tell them
what to do. And the powers in turn rule over the
principalities and tell them what to do. The lowest type
of demons have very little authority of their own and do
very little thinking of their own; they are told what to
Jesus said to me that anyone who is walking in
darkness can be dominated by rulers of darkness. They
rule over all unsaved people and anyone walking in
darkness, including believers who are walking in
That's why sometimes even saved people can yield
to these spirits and let them dominate them if they are
walking in darkness—if they're not in fellowship with
God and walking in the light of His Word. Evil spirits
will dominate believers, if they allow them to—by
consent, ignorance, or disobedience. That's the reason
people, including believers, do certain things and don't
know why they do them.
Jesus said, "That's why sometimes people who
commit acts of darkness say, 'I don't know what made
me do that.' Or that's why perfectly good people say
about someone else, 'I would never do anything like
that,' and before long, they've done something worse."
Jesus said that's why sometimes even in someone's
own family, a family member does something strange or

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