Encyclopedia of Islam

(Jeff_L) #1

K 734 Encyclopedia of Islam

Biruni, Abu Rayhan al- 106–
107, 300–301
Bistami, Abu Yazid al- 90,
107–108, 529, 640, 663
Black Muslims. See Nation of
Black Stone xxxvix, xlc, 108
Ismaili Shiism 377
Kaaba 419, 420
Mecca 468
Muhammad 492
paradise 546
sunna 644
umra 691
Zamzam 718
blasphemy 107, 108–109, 285
blood 109–110, 424
boat 110, 110–111
Bohra 111, 260, 378, 379
books and bookmaking 111–
113, 112
Bosnia and Herzegovena 114–
115, 585
Brethren of Purity 115–116,
Buddhism and Islam xxiv,
Afghanistan 16
Hijra 298
holy books 309
Ibrahim ibn Adham 341
Indonesia 358
Kashmir 426
Malaysia 451–453
Nepal 526
Shiism 623
Sufism 639
Bukhara 93–94, 117, 659
Bumiputra 117–118
Buraq, al- 118, 118, 310, 528
burqa 119, 561
Byzantine Empire 166, 218,
293, 384, 393, 441, 539, 648

Cairo 120–124, 121 m, 122
bazaar 96
books and bookmaking
112, 113
colonialism 157
Fatimid dynasty 231
Ismaili Shiism 378
minaret 474
Takfir wa’l-Hijra 657
calendar xxv, xxxv, 124–125
caliph xxvi, xxxi, 125–126
caliphate 126–127. See also
specific caliphates
calligraphy 64, 127, 207, 574,
camel 128, 284
Camp David accords 128–129,
212, 597

Canada 129–131, 236, 375,
377, 509–510
cat 131–132
cemetery 122, 132, 132–134
Central Asia and the Caucasus
xxvii, 117, 134–135
Chechnya 135, 135–136, 499,
children 136, 136–138
birth control and family
planning 104
birth rites 105–106
Crusades 175
education 207
harem 292
Ibn Sina, Abu Ali al-Husayn
Id al-Adha 342
Id al-Fitr 343
student 634
women 712
China 138, 161, 330
Chiragh Ali 139
Chishti Sufi Order 139–141,
Afghanistan 15
Hinduism and Islam 301
India 353
Khan, Inayat 430
Nizam al-Din Awliya 530
Persian language and
literature 551
qawwali 568
Sufi Movement 637
Sufi Order International
Christianity and Islam xxiv,
xxvii, xxxi, xliic, 141–144,
Abd al-Qadir al-Jilani 4
Abraham 9
Adam and Eve 12
ahl al-bayt 23
Ahmadiyya 24
Ahmad Khan, (Sir) Sayyid
Akbar 27
Algeria 31
Allah 34
Almohad dynasty 37
Andalusia 41, 42
anthropomorphism 45
Antichrist 46
anti-Semitism 46
Arabian religions, pre-
Islamic 52, 53
Arabic language and
literature 53
Armenians 63
Ashura 67
blasphemy 108
Bosnia and Herzegovena
114, 115
Cairo 122

cemetery 132
circumcision 149
Copts and the Coptic
Church 166
Cordoba 168
covenant 170
Crusades 175–176
daawa 178
David 185
dhimmi 194, 195
dialogue 196–197
dietary laws 198
Dome of the Rock 202
faith 223
Hijra 298
holy books 306–309
Jerusalem 391, 393
Jesus 396–397
John the Baptist 404
kafir 421
Latin America 439
madrasa 446
Malaysia 452, 453
mawlid 465
Mohammedanism 477
moon 479
Morocco 481
Moses 482
Mudejar 486–487
Muhammad 492, 493
New Zealand 528
Night of Destiny 529
qibla 568, 569
revelation 589
saint 599
Saladin 600
Satan 603
secularism 610–611
Shiism 623
soul and spirit 631
Sudan 636
Sufism 639
Sunnism 647
Syria 648
West Africa 709–710
cinema 144–149, 145, 260, 650
circumcision 83, 106, 149–150
cities 96, 150–152, 312
citizenship 152, 403
civil society 152–153, 191
coffee xxi, 154–155, 155
colonialism xxxii, 155–158
comic strips and comic books
communism 160–161, 511
Companions of the Prophet
xxiii, 162
caliph 125
caliphate 126
camel 128
cemetery 133
Copts and the Coptic
Church 166
fitna 241

hadith 279
Hanafi Legal School 287
Hanbali Legal School 288
Ibn Abd al-Wahhab,
Muhammad 325
Ibn Taymiyya, Taqi al-Din
Ahmad 339
muezzin 487
Salafism 601
Shiism 624
Twelve-Imam Shiism 678
Wahhabism 704
constitutionalism 162–164,
Constitutional Revolution 83,
163, 164–165, 363
conversion xxxi, xxxii,
Copts and the Coptic Church
166–167, 167
Cordoba xxxviiic, 111, 167–
168, 336, 474, 569
Council of American-Islamic
Relations (CAIR) 168–169,
Council on Islamic Education
(CIE) 169–170
covenant 149, 170, 193, 526,
559, 671
creation 77, 170–174, 308,
479, 632, 668
crime and punishment 174–
175, 620
Crusades xlc, 175–176
Badawi, Ahmad al- 83
Christianity and Islam
CIE 169
cinema 146
Fatimid dynasty 232
Islam 373
Israel 381
Istanbul 384
Jerusalem 394
Lebanon 441
Orientalism 536
Saladin 600–601
Turkey 674
customary law 176, 309, 620

daawa 177–179
Daawa Party of Iraq xlvic,
daawa 178
Gulf Wars 275, 277
Iraq 370, 371
Shiism 626
Twelve-Imam Shiism 681
Damascus xxxi, xxxviic,
xxxviiic, 180, 180–181
Abd al-Qadir al-Jazairi 3
Bilal 101
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