Biology Questions and Answers

(Greg DeLong) #1

Biology Questions and Answers

Earthworms eat decomposing organic
material atogether with soil pnd small orarticles.ganisms The ingested
digestive tubes of earthworms have
special structurand a gizzard, that triturate thes, like a musculare food wall
and scratch it against the ingested soil

particles.exclusively Since extracellular eaannelid digestion isrthworms (^)
also present in the posterior part of
their digestive system structures likethe cecum and the typhlosole that hav (^) e
the function of increasing the absorption
surface of the intestine.

  1. The vascular lesions caused
    by leeches upon the blood
    vessels of their host cause
    blood naturally to coagulate.
    How does the leech solve this
    problem since it could be
    expected that the ingested
    blood would coagulate inside
    its body?

Ingested blood does not coagulate

inside the leech (Hirudo medicinalis)because in its saliva there is a potent (^)
anticoagulant substance, a protein
called hirudin.
In the past leeches were larmedical treatment. Nowadaysgely us ed as
hirudotherapy is being used in patients
with extensive of the skin, in prevention aand chronic inflammationgainst tissue
necrosis after some surgeries and in
several others fields of Medicine.

  1. How is the respiratory
    system of beings of the
    phylum Annelida

Respiration cutaneous oin annelids can ber branchial. Cutaneo (^) us
respiration occurs dvascularity under the epidermis. Tue to the rich (^) he
gills, present in aquatic annelids, are
located in the parapodia (false claws)that have an extensive capillary net.

  1. What is meant when it is
    said that beings of the phylum
    Annelida are vascular beings?
    From which other phyla of the
    animal kingdom does this
    feature differentiate them?

The classificavascular beings means that they have ation of these beings as (^)
circulatory system,distribute substances with vessels that throughout the (^)
Poriferans, cnidarians and flatworms do
not have a circulatory system.nematodes there is circulation o Inf gases (^)
and nutrients through the pseudocoelom

  1. How are the circulatory
    systems of animals classified?
    A circulatory systemopen or closed. In open circulatory is classified as

systemsflows also to larg blood gets out e cavitiesof vessels that perfuse and (^)

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