The Complete Home Guide to Herbs, Natural Healing, and Nutrition

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268 The Complete Home Guide to Herbs, Natural Healing, and Nutrition

vaginal infections — leukorrhea, trichomoniasis, vaginitis,

and others

Friendly to invaders, the warmth and moisture of the vagina provide the
perfect breeding ground for all kinds of undesirables. Tampons, vaginal
deodorants, nylon pantyhose, sexual lubricants, dirty hands, and many
other factors can tip the balance, causing an infection of some kind,
especially if the immune system is a little low. Add to this a poor diet, stress,
little exercise, and a congested bowel or sluggish liver, and you have the
ideal circumstances for the growth of yeasts, microorganisms, protozoa,
and so on. Orthodox medicine generally deals with these problems with
the use of sulfa drugs and antibiotics, which do work to a certain extent.
They also leave the cause uninvestigated, thereby leaving wide open the
possibility of recurrence. Whether it is the white discharge of leukorrhea,
the irritation of candidiasis and other yeast infections, or the tenacious
bacteria-based trichomoniasis, there are basic rules to bear in mind. Be
alert to vaginal itching, red swellings, discharge, and odors.

  • Avoid all tea, coffee, cola, juices, alcohol, fruit sodas, sugar, and
    chocolate — yeasts thrive on them.

  • Refi ned foods and fats should be omitted from the diet, along with
    nonorganic meats and fi sh; pesticides and synthetic hormones will
    not help.

  • Refer to chapter 4 and eat well. Eat lots of garlic, and drink copious
    amounts of water.

 Take lemon juice and apple cider vinegar daily; you can dilute them
in water.

(^)  Take acidophilus and rejuvelac (see chapter 4).
f Use equal amounts of endocrine-balancing herbs: chaste tree berry,
squaw vine leaf (and other aerial parts), and blessed thistle leaf and
fl ower.
f Use some or all of these plants internally in equal parts: antibacterial
or anti microbial herbs internally like myrrh resin, echinacea root,
barberry root bark, arborvitae leaf; and lymphatics like pokeeed root,
cleavers leaf, and mullein fl ower.
~ Bowel, liver, and kidney cleanses will be vital, over a period of time.
~ Any blood-stained discharge should be reported to a doctor immedi-
~ Wear cotton or silk underwear. Nylon pantyhose will retain moisture
and produce the environment that infections love; over-the-knee
socks and stockings are better, or wear a garter belt. If wearing trou-
sers, stick to natural fi bers like cotton, silk, or wool.
diseases 268

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