The Complete Home Guide to Herbs, Natural Healing, and Nutrition

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diseases 269

~ Use cotton-based sanitary napkins. Avoid tampons.

~ Discontinue internal lovemaking until the episode is over.

(^) ~ Use vaginal pessaries (see chapter 3).
(^) ~ Consider vaginal douches using oak bark and other herbs, like oak
bark, cranesbill leaf, and pau d’arco inner bark.
~ Make your own garlic vaginal suppositories by wrapping a whole
peeled clove of garlic in two pieces of muslin with a pull-out string.
Use during the day so that you can remove it if you experience any
burning sensation: the delicate tissue of the vagina must not be dam-
aged. Garlic is lethal to yeasts and stubborn bacteria like tricho-
monas. For further information on garlic, see chapters 4 and 7.
~ Take only warm baths, and always fi nish with a cold shower. You must
cool the area to discourage bacterial and fungal growth. Add fi ve
drops of lavender essential oil and one drop of tea tree essential oil to
your bath.
~ Sitz baths will encourage circulation to the area (see chapter 5).
~ After the bath, use a herbal vaginal dusting powder or gel (see chapter

varicose veins

Veins have the job of assisting the arteries with the job of circulating the
blood. If the tiny valves of the inner walls of the veins do not work
properly, then blood accumulates and causes stretching and bulging.
Varicose veins look lumpy and bluish and can ache and feel sore. They
may be the result of constipation, thrombophlebitis, liver disorders,
calcium and magnesium defi ciencies, heredity, working in jobs that
require a lot of standing, habitually sitting with crossed legs, wearing tight
clothing, and being pregnant or having borne children, along with poor
diet and smoking.

  • Refer to “Heart Disease,” “Hemorrhoids,” and “Thrombosis” for di-
    etary advice on circulatory well-being, and “The Circulatory System”
    in chapter 9 for general advice.

f Take fl axseed oil capsules (high in omega-3).

f Take natural lecithin, preferably in capsules.

f As a preventive measure, drink two cups daily of a herbal tea made up
of equal parts of nettle leaf and ginkgo leaf.

f Take three cayenne capsules three times daily.

f Take a mixture of equal parts lime tree (Tilia) fl ower (a vessel
strengthener), prickly ash bark (to stimulate circulation), hawthorn

269 The Complete Home Guide to Herbs, Natural Healing, and Nutrition

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