political science

(Nancy Kaufman) #1

policy instruments:
and conceptions of:
institution free approaches470 1
as institutions 470
selection of 470
and information technology impact 469 ,
471 4
diVerences over 473
enthusiasm over471 3
information gathering476 7
information industrial complex 476
institutional tools474 5
Internet473 4
limitations of477 9
politics of instruments475 6
scepticism over 473
technology free approach to477 8
utopian belief in475 6
policy learning 214
policy lines, and origins of policy 211 , 212 ,
215 18
Anti Social Behavior Orders (ASBOs,
UK)217 18
developing policy measures 220
policy making:
and authority 895
and central control17 18
Wction of 18
and changes in policy:
role of advocacy coalitions 24 , 25
role of social movements24 5
and choice296 7
and civil service, role of 372
and collective puzzling 3723
andconsensual approach to 10
United Kingdom’s move away
from10 11
and constraints on 21 4, 155
beneWcial potential of245 7
changed conditions 23 , 26
ideas 22
interest groups23 4
solutions looking for problems22 3
and conventions 895
and day to day operations153 4
and deWnition of ‘policy’153 4
diYculties with 210

and deliberative turn9 10, 52
and democracy8 9, 487
impact of national traditions 10
and diVerentiation 233
and hierarchy 209 ,223 4
and high modernism3 4, 8
and imperfect alternatives645 7
and interdependence 233
and legitimacy 895
and levels of 154
and limits of instrumental rationality
19 , 51
information 19
lack of clarity of ends 20
limited knowledge of means 1920
resources 19
and ‘loose’ regulation 18
and networked governance11 13
and objects of, changes in26 7
and path dependency 373
historical dimension902 5
and policy as its own cause20 1, 212 ,
dynamic processes360 1
problems of policy success 21
and policy units:
challenge for164 5
prime minister’s use of163 4
and political feasibility 82
and political judgement157 8
and prime minister’s role161 2
and problem solving 26
and shaping by practitioners 411
and trust 414
as uncertain process 166
see alsoagenda setting; grand policy,
training of rulers in; policy processes;
schools of public policy
policy modeling:
and computer modeling353 4, 360
and consequences of 774
and inputs for 771
and purpose of 771
see alsonuclear systems analysis; systems
policy network analysis425 6
and absence of theoretical synthesis 435

968 subject index

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