political science

(Nancy Kaufman) #1

public private interaction (cont.)
resources505 6
and risks of private involvement 507
diluted control 507
diminished capacity 508
higher spending 508
reputational vulnerability 508
and scale of:
public employment/public
employment 502
public spending on employees/outside
services502 4
tax expenditures504 5
see alsocollaborative governance
public private partnerships 171 , 181
see alsocollaborative governance
punctuated equilibria 346
puzzling, and policy analysis:
assembling jigsaw puzzles111 13
and coherence115 16
deliberating aboutWnal ends 116
instrumental rationality 111 , 113 , 119
public policy as collective puzzling372 3
reasoning 116
resolving conXicting ends110 11, 119
Boston’s Ten Point Coalition117 19
and coherence113 15
and holism 114
Orme Dam dispute116 17
and overlapping consensus114 15
rules for120 1

Q sort 51
quality control, and service provision 491
quality adjusted life year (QALY):
and commensurability problem758 61
andcost utility analysis (CUA)738 9
and cost beneWt analysis (CBA) 541
Queen’s speech (UK, 2003 )899 901

racial inequality 170
and institutional racism 222
Railways Commission (UK) 659
RAND, Project 3 n 1
RAND Corporation 778
and development of policy sciences 42 , 44
and health insurance experiment 810

and Kennedy’s administration 64
and nuclear systems analysis 789 , 795
RAND Graduate School 64
and modalities of control 658
and puzzling120 1
rational calculation, and feasibility of smart
policy452 3
rational choice theory, and McKelvey
SchoWeld ‘chaos theorem’229 30
rationalistic policy evaluation325 6
rationality, and failures of individual632 4
see alsoinstrumental rationality
rationality review 7
reality, and training in grand policy87 8
reason giving, and policy application 7
reasoning, and puzzling 116
recognition, and critical listening128 9,
133 4
redistribution 607 , 621
and aims of610 11
and analysis of individual programs:
high income groups as
beneWciaries619 20
middle classbeneWciaries618 19
pro poor bias 620
and counterfactual comparisons 608
and dimensions of 608
and distributional eVects 609
and economic growth 614
and eVectiveness of 614
cross country comparisons 615
explanation of national
diVerences616 18
paradox of redistribution 307 , 315 , 616
and eYciency equity trade oV 613 14
and horizontal redistribution 609
and income maintenance 608
and in kind transfers610 11
and life cycle redistribution 608
and poverty alleviation 609
United States616 17
welfare regime 616
and targeted welfare612 13
and typology of welfare states611 12
and universal welfare612 13
see alsopublic income transfer programs

974 subject index

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