political science

(Nancy Kaufman) #1

referenda, and impact of 396
and evaluation of policy 332
and policy analysis 329
and policy studies 7 , 10
reform cycles344 5
refugees 720
regimes, and concept of 655
regional integration, and
globalization594 5
and accretion eVect 361
and collaborative governance511 12
and energy policy 878 ,882 4
and growth of 17 , 651
as instrument of governance 652
and instrumental qualities662 3
and ‘loose’ regulation 18
and privatization 17 , 651
and supranational organizations 652
regulatory agencies,seeindependent agencies
regulatory regimes663 4
and concept of regimes 655
and contracts 654
and deWnition of regulation 653
and deregulation 656
and diVusion of capacities 653
and economic theory of regulation
(ETR)655 6,662 3
and enforcement653 4
and formalization of norms 654
and legal authority 654
and legal power653 4
andmeta regulation 664
and modalities of control657 8
architecture 658
contrived randomness657 8
and organizational forms and
style658 60
and positive feedback processes 660
and privatization 660
and regulatory capture 656
and regulatory legitimacy661 3
accountability 662
credible commitment 661
delegations 661

instrumentalism662 3
tensions around 662
and resource dispersal654 5
and self regulation 654
and standard setting 654 ,656 7
and United Kingdom 659 , 660
and United States 656 , 659
regulatory state:
and agenda setting234 8
agency discretion236 8
control of independent agencies
235 6
non delegation doctrine236 7
and emergence of 652
and evolution of regulation349 50
and juridical democracy562 3
see alsoNew Public Management; risk
Reinventing Government (USA), and
features of450 1
relational contracts 12
and employment relationship 16
relationship building, and critical
listening129 30,135 6
relevance, and policy studies 5
representative democracy 670
and characteristics of676 7
and minimal representative policy
process671 3
Republican Party, and retrenchment of
welfare state 866
reputation, and public private
interaction 508
research,seepolicy research, and
methodology of; social
and government505 6
and ignorance of available 19
distributive392 3
ethics of 401
restorative justice 177 , 197
revolution, and momentum dynamics 347
rhetoric, and persuasion274 5, 897
rights, and intrinsic value 763
and limits of knowing 418

subject index 975
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