risk: (cont.)
and mapping of 362
and regulation of:
least feasible risk criterion238 40
oscillating processes 342
signiWcant risk 238 ,
240 1
ritual, and critical listening 142
Robbins Report (UK) 385
Rome, Treaty of 246
Royal Commissions (UK), and neglect of 11
Rubik’s cubes, and puzzling 112
and action 690
reconciling logics of701 5
and appropriateness 689
in action692 6
dynamics of696 700
and identity/role 690
and institutions of democratic
governance691 2
and policy making 895
ruling, and public policy 3
see alsogrand policy, training of rulers in
Russia, and energy policy 874 , 888
‘safety coalition’ 25
savings, and impact of income transfer
programs 304
scale, and policy processes853 4
and consensual approach to policy
making 10
and income redistribution 301 , 306
schools of public policy:
and debate over policy making role
65 6
and early schools of public
administration60 2
and establishment of university
institutions 64
and focus on public policy64 5
and Ford Foundation support for 64
and impact of Kennedy
administration63 4
andpostwar boom in public
administration62 3
and professional associations 66
see alsogrand policy, training of rulers in;
Kennedy School of Government
science, and knowledge415 16
scope, and democracy 172
Scrabble, and puzzling 112
Second World War:
and development of policy sciences43 4
and impact on policy studies 3 n 1
Securities and Exchange Commission
(USA) 237
seignorage531 2
selective retention:
and dynamic processes 358
and positive feedback processes347 8
self interest:
and policy analysis 908
and political feasibility 544
self organizing systems 355
see alsosystems analysis/theory
self regulation 654
separation, and conXicting policy ends 396
sequencing, and positive feedback
processes356 7
service provision:
and assignment problem 496
and challenges for:
implications for policy analysis491 2
information problems489 90
pricing490 1
quality control 491
shadow prices540 1
side eVects, and policy
recommendations 834
signaling behavior, and market failure631 2
signiWcant risk 238 ,240 1
simpliWcation,and training in grand
policy98 9
simulation, and policy design353 4
single shot kill probability, and nuclear
systems analysis782 3
slavery, and Lincoln’s reframing of
problem 26
smallpox vaccinations, and collaborative
governance512 13
small scale societies, and creation of
institutional arrangements847 8
976 subject index