The Secret Science of Numerology: The Hidden Meaning of Numbers and Letters

(avery) #1

Words that total 20 and reflect these qualities are KIND, WISE, SEER,
and TACTFUL. The outstanding traits of 20 are:

➛ Tact and diplomacy; a peacemaker.
➛ Kind, gentle, and giving; a perfect companion.
➛ Urge to collect things.
➛ Gets along well with women (2 is feminine).
➛ With the cypher following, 20 loves women.

A true and amusing story appeared in the newspaper on March 6, 1987,
about a man who was discovered to have at least five wives and fathered as
many as 14 children in four states. He was able to maintain them for over
seven years without suspicion because he was a flight engineer with a major
airline and was regularly expected to be gone for weeks at a time.

He spent a few days at a time with each family as he flew from one
destination to another, and was caught only because he was gone a little
too long from his wife in Seattle who reported him missing.

All of his wives found it hard to believe that he had other families and
were devastated by the news. Some decided to leave him, but he was al-
ways so kind and loving they all forgave him. He still loved them and
wanted to do right by them, even after he was found out.

After reading the story I thought to myself, this man must have a
strong 20 somewhere. Doesn’t he have those outstanding traits just listed?

To my delight, his full name was in the paper. I saw right away that
he had two T’s in his last name, and T is the 20th letter. That alone was
not enough, but would have influence. But there it was in the vowels:
o ae ue = 20. How interesting that the 20 was in his name area of deep-
est desire: the Soul’s Urge!

If a man’s missing number is 2, he may have a problem relating to women.
The 20 loves and needs music, may have a foot fetish, and may fear
death. This is because Music, Foot, and Death all total the same numeri-
cal vibration: 20.

The 2 tends to be neat, due to its inborn quality of attention to details.
One 2 is good at detail work. Two 2’s (4) organizes and gets things
done. Three 2’s (6) teaches and performs, and four 2’s (8) is the executive

The 20’s are happiest when they can be of service to others. Those with
a 20 Birth Path, or born on a 2, 11, 20, or 29 day usually find their success in
life as part of a team, e.g., Bob Hope, 5-29, and Bing Crosby, 5-2.

Those whose full birth name has the root of 2 are diplomats. Others
find their niche in the ministry, as dentists, private secretaries, and in
some branches of medicine. 2’s are our best speechmakers because 2 is
sensitive to facts and knows how to use the right words.

We need 2’s for tact and diplomacy.
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