The Secret Science of Numerology: The Hidden Meaning of Numbers and Letters

(avery) #1
The Secret Science of Numerology

TWO (2)

Positive: Affectionate. A way with words. Beautiful expression.
Better at continuing projects than starting them.
Considerate. Cooperative. Diplomatic. Friendly. Good
companion/business partner. Good with details. Helpful.
Loving. Modest. Neat. Sensitive to self and others.
Sincere. Tactful. Works well with others.

Negative: Conflict. Dissatisfied. Easily offended and hurt.
Fastidious. Glib. Indecisive due to being able to see both
sides of an issue. Insecure. Meticulous or careless.
Occasional moods of depression. Over-emotional.
Subservient. Tactless. Timid.

Destructive:Bad temper. Cruel. Deceptive. Demanding. Lacks self-
control. Leans too much on others. Liar. Sly. Sneaky.
Wants to control others.
The 2 is female and receptive.



“Let’s Spread Joy”

Man is a threefold creature having spirit, mind, and body. Likewise,
every system has a first, middle, and a last part; so 3 was considered the
first perfect number.

Pythagoras called 3 “the One and the Many,” meaning a limited ex-
pression of both 1 and 2, and a number of talents because 3 is the Creative
Principle in the Godhead, the number of self-expression, the artist and

The 3 is an 8 with the left side open, so 8 makes its own boundaries by
organizing its affairs. The 3 is open to scatter its energies. Both are
moneymakers, but 8 strives to keep money growing. The 3 doesn’t want
to think about organization, but do as it pleases. It wants fun, not work.

\ 12/3 //

The basics are the ABC’s, the 123’s. This is the Creative Principle. A
word that refers to many forms of creative expression is ART, and it
totals 12.

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