The Secret Science of Numerology: The Hidden Meaning of Numbers and Letters

(avery) #1

DAY, 417 = 12, is recreated 24 hours for our use. It begins with D:
Daleth, or door, and each day is like a new door opening for us.

It is human reproduction that is the creative expression we are given
as lesser creators made in God’s image. Mate, Sex, and Baby are 12-words
that mirror this Divine gift.

BABY, 2127, starts with a B, a letter that needs companionship: 2
leans toward 1. Two B’s show baby to be dependent. A is the breath of life
and Y is Yod, the generative sperm. As 7, Y shows a spiritual nature, and
that it comes from mystery into the world.

Both DAY and BABY have the full number of 30: the Creative Trin-
ity (3) by the Cosmic Egg (0) from which all proceeds. It is a number of
newness, great potential, and joy.

The full number of MATE is 39 (13,1,20,5 = 39). The 9 is a picture of
the generative sperm and it stands next to the creative 3, both numbers of
pleasure, fulfillment, and creative abilities.

SEX, 156, begins with a letter of directed wisdom, S. It refers to the 1
which is first the Monad, or God Center, and to the self which takes
responsible (6) action (5). The X is open and vulnerable and can “X”
itself out by hasty action.

As a full word number (19+5+24) it is 48: the act that keeps the cycle
of life (8) constantly bringing forth manifestation. Both 4 and 8 are num-
bers that relate to physical production and to stability (4) and justice (8).

Whenever the Bible mentions “twelve nations,” it refers to the whole
human race, for it encompasses the 12 astrological signs of the zodiac.

\ 21/3 //

The 21 is the mystical number of Cosmic Consciousness. It is renewal
of mind and body and using them to express creatively. It is the self (1)
putting the “2” qualities first: courtesy, cooperation, tact, and diplomacy.
The 2 speaks well, is the peacemaker, and is also very sensitive.

The 3 is also verbally expressive, so 2 and 3 together enhance creative
expression through the voice or the written word. Words that have 21 as
their root are: Human, Actor, Salesman, Woman, and Bible.

Both HUMAN and ACTOR have the full word total of 57: a sensate
being (5) with an inner spiritual and creative nature (7). The 7 also refers
to the professional, and one who studies to better himself. SALESMAN
has the full word total of 84, which shows he must strive (8) harder to set
a secure foundation (4) for himself. Both 8 and 4 are numbers of work.
(WOMAN is analyzed in the chapter about One.)

The BIBLE, 29235 = 21/3, is the story of creation, the Trinity. The 3 is
the number for words and communication, so it is important as a root total
for Bible, the Word of God. It has the full word total 30: the Creative
Trinity (3) next to the Cosmic Egg (0), or “the Word made manifest.”

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