The Secret Science of Numerology: The Hidden Meaning of Numbers and Letters

(avery) #1
The Secret Science of Numerology

Bible has two B’s, showing it is meant to be a companion. It has no
purpose by itself alone and unread. It contains the I, or Yod; the genera-
tive sperm, so it imparts life to its words.

Another 21-word that imparts renewal for mind and body is SLEEP.
Its full word total is 57. The 7 signifies rest, but the 5 shows there is
activity during sleep. While sleep may renew the body, it often gives us
dreams that in turn give us mind activity and sometimes, creative ideas.

PEACE is 75135 = 21. The number of tact and diplomacy comes
first: 2. It is the self (1) putting others first, a symbol of selflessness.
There can be no peace when the self comes first, expressing greed and
thoughtless acts. Also, Peace starts with P, a 7 letter—7 being at rest,
thoughtful. The first vowel is an E, which is directed energy, and the
pivot point, the center of the word is A: the breath of life, which is also
(1) expressing through us individually. Together they total 3, a number
of joy and fulfillment.

Every number has opposing qualities, each vibration is a balance rod
with positive on one end and negative on the other. The 21 can be a num-
ber of unhappy events. It corresponds to the 21 letter, U, which is picto-
rially a cup on a rocker. It fills easily but can rock and empty out its
treasures, for that rocker is built of emotion—the 2—which comes first,
and is very sensitive.

The 21 is composed of three 7’s, so it is the finishing of a cycle in three
worlds (see figure 4 on page 71).

Yod: ATZILUTH (Spirit) 7
Hé: BRIAH (Mind) 7
Vau: YETZIRAH (Soul) 7 Takes form in
Hé: ASSIAH (Body) 21

The 7 is a time of rest after completion, but 3 (2+1) wants to perform,
so it is impatient and will do things in haste. This makes 21 a great test for
humanity. The 7’s demand spirituality, which is needed for inner strength.
We can see the negative expression of 21 in the following 21-words:

Lustful. Fool. Wild. Vile. Evil. Envy. Fear. Glib. Sneaky.
Beastly. Clumsy.

\ 30/3 //

The 30 is filled with artistic talents and expression. It is the God-
Power of the cypher (0) behind the 3 of self-expression. It represents the
completion of projects, celebration, and happiness.

Birth. Family. Genial. Happy. Humor. Kindly. Serene.
Sociable. Strong. Thankful. Uplift.
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