rise. It’s also a good idea to cover her delivery people and support
staff. It is cost-ineffective for veterinary staff to weld kennels or
deliver products.
Second, the tone and atmosphere of Barb’s decision seems
questionable. Did her people enter into the plan? Were they
willing volunteers meeting a business need or were they
commanded to perform? Strong-arm tactics may lead to
compliance but not necessarily quality work.
Third, Barb did not provide adequate incentive in the training.
Reading the case makes an individual wonder why employees
would give up their time and do work that is not within their
job descriptions.
Last, Barb did not inspect or maintain any form of quality
control, losing the most valuable resource she had, her customer
loyalty. One alternative for Barb would have been to assign her
welders as inspectors and quality-assurance monitors.
Ten Tools to Ensure Team Results .......................................................................
An excellent coach focuses on the team performance, realizing
that the whole is greater that any of its parts. There are 10 tools
available to you to give you a foundation for more fully
developing the values that are beneficial to you as a coach. These
tools not only strengthen your ability to initiate change on the part
of your team, but also stimulate the trust and rapport necessary
for coaching to be effective. These tools facilitate all
your interactions.
These tools are important elements of successful
StaffCoaching™: They aid you in deciding how to build a solid
team foundation.
These are proven attributes of a successful StaffCoach™ that
guarantee your success with your team. Consider your own style
as you study each.
- Flexibility
- Helping
- Empathy and Understanding
- Valuing the Employee
Coaching, Mentoring and Managing
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