An Indigenous Peoples History of the United States Ortiz

(darsice) #1

282 Index

CERT (Council of Energy Resource
Tribes), 209 -10
Chagossians, 225
Chambers, David Wade, 29
Chang, David, 1, 135
Chatters, James C., 23 2-3 3
Cheeseekau, 89
Cherokee Nation: assault against,
87 -90; forced march (Trail of
Tears) of, 112 -14; in French and
Indian War, 68 -69; in Georgia
(state), 11 0; in Georgia colony,
66; on Indian removal policy,
111 -12; origins of, 30; resistance
to allotment by, 158 ; treaties with
Confederacy by, 13 5; during war of
independence,74-7 6
Cherokee national fund, 168
Cheyenne Nation, 146, 149
Chickamaugas, 88 -9 0
Chickasaw Nation, 97, 113 -14, 168
Chief Joseph, 149, 165
child abuse at boarding schools,
212 -1 3
Chippewa Nation, 24
Chiricahuas, 15 0- 51
Chivington, John, 137 -3 8
Choctaws, 97, 113 -14
Church, Benjamin, 64
CIA (Central Intelligence Agency),
176 -77
citizenship, 169
City of Sherrill v. Oneida Nation of
Indians (2005), 200
civilian attacks: on Cheyennes, 149;
after Civil War, 13 9-40; during
Civil War, 94; in colonial period,
65; by Custer, 145-46, 15 1-52; on
Dakotas, 13 6; in French and Indian
War, 67; under Grant, 146; in
Illinois and Indiana Territories, 87;
in irregular warfare, 59; in Mexico,
131 ; on Muskogees, 99; My Lai

massacre as, 192 -93; on Navajos,
138 ; in Philippines, 16 6; on Semi­
noles, 10 2; in US military history,
58 , 59, 196 ; after war of indepen­
dence, 93; by "Mad" Anthony
Wayne, 82 -83; in West, 149,
1 52; at Wounded Knee, 15 4-5 5
civil rights era, 10 , 175-77, 182
Civil War: colonial policy and,
140 -46; genocidal army of West
in, 13 6-40; Indigenous soldiers in,
13 3-34, 13 5-3 6; irregular warfare
in, 94; Mexican War and, 13 1-32;
settlers during, 134 -3 6
Clarke, Elijah, 92
Coahuila Kikapu (Kickapoo) Nation,
Cobell v. Salazar (2 01 1), 206
Cochise, 1 3 8
Collier, John, 171-73
colonialism: British overseas, 195,
199; Doctrine of Discovery and,
199 -20 1
colonial period, 56 -77; expansion in,
65 -66; French and Indian War in,
67-71; Haudenosaunee in, 76 -77;
militias in, 5 8-60; in New England,
61-64; in Ohio Country, 71-74;
roots of genocide in, 57 -60; scalp
hunting in, 64-65; Virginia colony
in, 60-62; war of independence in,
colonization: and Calvinist origin
story, 48; and culture of conquest,
3 2; and future of United States,
218, 229; of Northern Mexico,
12 1-24, 12 6; by Scots-Irish, 52 -54;
and terminal narratives, 39 -42;
after war of independence, 78, 79;
of West, 138 , 141, 14 3-44; white
supremacy and class and, 3 6-3 9
Coloradas, Mangas, 132
Colorado Volunteers, 13 7, 13 8
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